Category Archives: the over

Brief update++

Can you hear it? The awesomeness of UVERworld’s new song “The Over” is now the new song on my blog!

If you didn’t know, I am a HUGE UVERworld fan. I love all of their music. There hasn’t been one song by them that I dislike, which is saying a lot for me! Because it is very rare for me to like every single song of singer/or band that I like.

If you haven’t seen it yet, please watch the PV.

Also, if you are a fan, please check out my fan page for them on facebook!
—-> Facebook for UVERworld fans~!

Onto other news! The above link on my layout that says “about” has now been fixed. You can click it now and it will send you to my about me page, which is still under construction, but does have information there!

That include today’s brief update~!


It has been a while, hasn’t it? I am quite aware of my absence since my previous entry. Well, I come baring good news!
I will rewind back to the beginning before I reveal this good news.
If you follow this blog, you will know that I have been working on a novel that will be a part of my Raison D’etre series. That particular novel has gone under so much change, that it is crazy. Eventually, I decided to set it to the side and work on my other book, Bandit.
This series developed all because of a picture I drew of the main character last year. It started just as a normal random picture, until I came up with a story for him. A plot was born and I began working on it off and on.
Fast-forwarding, I finally finished the story and I decided to release it in a form of a novelette. The series will be in an e-book format. Once the entire series is complete in that format, I plan to make it available for print with all of books in the series combined into one book. 
Today, I am going to publish it under Kindle publishing. I am very excited about this and I hope the series does well!
Under other news, I made an UVERworld fan page on facebook. If you didn’t know, I am a HUGE fan of that band. They make such good music! I love all of their songs, not even one is bad, especially their awesome new song THE OVER. I have been trying to spread the word about the page since I made it. The page only accumulated 35 likes so far. I would love more people to like the page if they are fans!
The page is àCLICK ME
Please check it out, like the page and subscribe. I will give you free cookies if you do. ;///3///;
Oh! There is a new maid café in Michigan! I would love to go see what it is like!
What I would really want is to work there. It seems like it would be so much fun to work there, not only that, but everyone working there will have common interest. It would make everyone much closer.
I plan on filling out an application and turning it in. The only thing when auditioning you have to dance to a jpop song >_< The only dance I can remember is the PONPONPON dance. However, I am willing to rehearse it, if it means working there! The application said that the dance doesn’t have to perfect, so that is a good thing. ^^;

First thing I have to do is find the actual location. @o@ I know the street, but I believe it is downtown, which is a very confusing place, lol.
Wish me luck there, because I really need a job, lol. D: