Category Archives: Fashion

Blog Genre + Blog Virus? ヽ(゚Д゚)ノ

Before I get into the blog genre topic, I would like to discuss a possible blog virus. A few days ago, I noticed when I would look at this specific blog of mine, I would get a notification telling me that there has been malware infecting this blog. I was not sure why I was getting the message because there was nothing to my knowledge on my blog that could have been a virus, nor have I ever visited any infected sites. (I am very careful about that, ever since the time I caught over 85 viruses on my computer from downloading music when I was a teenager T^T) I tried finding out where the virus could be coming from, so I googled the problem. It turns out that I am not the only one, but apparently, WordPress has this problem more than Blogger. What I found out is that when this happens, someone probably hacked into your account and is adding malware to your site.

I changed my email and password. I even added something to my blog that requires a verification to sign in. I hope the problem is fixed. The awesome blogger, Hongi, informed me that she was also receiving the same message. If anyone else is still receiving the message, please let me know so I can contact the Blogspot host to have the problem fixed.
Now, let us move along~
There are tons of different blog genres out there. From fashion/makeup, music, books and so on, but what seems to be the most popular amongst the female population in the blogging world is fashion/makeup and cute things.
What genre would this blog be? I categorize it as “personal”, due to my random topics. I may talk about a song one day and the next entry would be about a horror movie I watched. The possibilities are endless on what could appear on my blog. However, the majority of blogs that I do follow are gyaru blogs (besides some book blogs). I tried getting into gyaru and even changing my blog into that genre because I wanted attention to this blog, but I honestly felt like I was trying to be someone I am not. Do not get me wrong, I do like gyaru and I have nothing against people who are into it, but it really is not for me. I do not want to plaster my blog with things that I barely know anything about and try be like them. That world is not for me. I also like fashion as well, but my style is unique and can vary. (Unfortunately, I do not have the money to incorporate the style, as I want to. I really need a job, darn this economy!)

Styles that I like~

I want my blog to represent me, not who I am trying/pretending to be. You may see me mention fashion from time to time, but I am no way an expert in fashion or makeup, which is why I do not talk about it as much.
What genre is your blog?
In addition, I want to congratulate Seth McFarlane on being the next host for the Oscar’s next year! I am so happy for him and he definitely deserves it. If you are a fan of Family Guy, American Dad, The Cleveland Show or the movie Ted, then I am sure you know who Seth is!  

Kelsey is awesome! Check out her Youtube videos!

Forever 21, Yesstyle or Love Culture?

These three stores, I absolutely love their clothes. I must admit first that I have never bought any clothes from Yesstyle or Love Culture yet, but their clothes are just too cute~! ♡ 

Let me start by saying that I love fashion. I honestly do. However, with that being said, my clothes is lacking the spice that I like. Sometimes, I look through fashion magazines admiring the clothes and even some bloggers. I think to myself, “That’s a really cute outfit!” Most of the types of clothes I would like to buy, I wouldn’t want to waste my money on it if I never go out anywhere to wear the clothes.

If I were to buy a bulk load of new clothes, I want to be able to go out and wear my clothes, instead of being stuck at home wearing them. The thing is, I don’t really have anyone to  hang out with to do the sort of things I’d like to do. You know, like hanging out with friends and just having fun. Anyways, my point I’m trying to make here is that, I love clothes but I don’t have anything worth showing off. 

Let me start of with Forever 21. I love, love, loveeee this store! It’s one of my favorite clothing stores. I don’t get to shop her regularly, but when I do go I always have the hardest time picking out clothes, because there are so many awesome, cute clothes there!

Forever 21 is also listed as one of the non-Japanese Gyaru brands. I have yet to really try a Gyaru style, but I am very interested in attempting to try. Most definitely, I would be considered a newbie at the style, haha. Anyways, Forever 21 is a decent store. There clothes are considered to be trendy for young women, men and teenage girls for reasonable prices.
Now, let’s move onto another clothing store. Yesstyle. I really like their clothes as well, but I’ve never bought any clothes online before so I’m always iffy rather or not should I purchase from the website. Their clothes are so cute~! I already have a wishlist from the site, but like I said, I’m unsure of buying from the website. Here are some of their styles from their Tokyo fashion.
This is just too cute to me~!
Has anyone every bought any clothes from YesStyle before? If so, what was your experience with the company? Good? Bad? I’m just afraid if I purchase clothes there, the clothes won’t fit. It seems like such a hassle to go through the trouble of measuring myself to make sure the clothes would fit. I do know that I would need a small size for all my clothes, lol.
Up next with have Love Culture. I just discovered this clothing store earlier this year…or it could have been late last year. Either way, it was recent. The clothes there appear very colorful, yet trendy. It almost puts you in the mindset of Forever 21. I will show some examples of the clothes that are there below.
So, that is the basics of Love Culture. What store do you prefer out of the three? Or maybe you like another store more than the ones listed. The links to all three websites are listed below. Thank you for reading~!

Kyary Pamyu Pamyu – Pon Pon Pon

Tokyo Fashion

All pictures are from the website YESSTYLE. X3
Also, clothes that I am definitely adding to my wishlist! 

Inspiring styles

There are a lot of various styles that I would love to try out. One of my biggest influences when it comes to style is Anna Tsuchiya and Gwen Stefani. 
Gwen Stefani – picture from Google Images
Anna Tsuchiya – photo credit Orphen

Both women style ranges from rocker to even sophisticated. Lately, I’ve been looking at various styles from Popsister,Tokyo Fashion and YESSTYLE. Here are a collection of a few that I like.

I mostly like the second look to the left ;3;
There are so many other styles that I am fond of that I’ll like to try. Sometimes my sense of style can be rather…random. I also like Lolita Classic! I think some of the dresses are so cute >3< It always reminded me of Victorian style. 
Lolita Classic

I plan on attempting to go on a shopping spree soon and buy some of the styles I’m interested in. Most likely I would go to my favorite clothing store Forever 21! I’ve never bought any clothes online, so I’m not so sure if I should, especially if the size turns out to be completely too big for me than I originally thought. I have a very small body and could probably fit a size 12 in children’s pants ;u; Yes, as you can tell I’m very petite!