Category Archives: family guy

Blog Genre + Blog Virus? ヽ(゚Д゚)ノ

Before I get into the blog genre topic, I would like to discuss a possible blog virus. A few days ago, I noticed when I would look at this specific blog of mine, I would get a notification telling me that there has been malware infecting this blog. I was not sure why I was getting the message because there was nothing to my knowledge on my blog that could have been a virus, nor have I ever visited any infected sites. (I am very careful about that, ever since the time I caught over 85 viruses on my computer from downloading music when I was a teenager T^T) I tried finding out where the virus could be coming from, so I googled the problem. It turns out that I am not the only one, but apparently, WordPress has this problem more than Blogger. What I found out is that when this happens, someone probably hacked into your account and is adding malware to your site.

I changed my email and password. I even added something to my blog that requires a verification to sign in. I hope the problem is fixed. The awesome blogger, Hongi, informed me that she was also receiving the same message. If anyone else is still receiving the message, please let me know so I can contact the Blogspot host to have the problem fixed.
Now, let us move along~
There are tons of different blog genres out there. From fashion/makeup, music, books and so on, but what seems to be the most popular amongst the female population in the blogging world is fashion/makeup and cute things.
What genre would this blog be? I categorize it as “personal”, due to my random topics. I may talk about a song one day and the next entry would be about a horror movie I watched. The possibilities are endless on what could appear on my blog. However, the majority of blogs that I do follow are gyaru blogs (besides some book blogs). I tried getting into gyaru and even changing my blog into that genre because I wanted attention to this blog, but I honestly felt like I was trying to be someone I am not. Do not get me wrong, I do like gyaru and I have nothing against people who are into it, but it really is not for me. I do not want to plaster my blog with things that I barely know anything about and try be like them. That world is not for me. I also like fashion as well, but my style is unique and can vary. (Unfortunately, I do not have the money to incorporate the style, as I want to. I really need a job, darn this economy!)

Styles that I like~

I want my blog to represent me, not who I am trying/pretending to be. You may see me mention fashion from time to time, but I am no way an expert in fashion or makeup, which is why I do not talk about it as much.
What genre is your blog?
In addition, I want to congratulate Seth McFarlane on being the next host for the Oscar’s next year! I am so happy for him and he definitely deserves it. If you are a fan of Family Guy, American Dad, The Cleveland Show or the movie Ted, then I am sure you know who Seth is!  

Kelsey is awesome! Check out her Youtube videos!

Brief update++

Can you hear it? The awesomeness of UVERworld’s new song “The Over” is now the new song on my blog!

If you didn’t know, I am a HUGE UVERworld fan. I love all of their music. There hasn’t been one song by them that I dislike, which is saying a lot for me! Because it is very rare for me to like every single song of singer/or band that I like.

If you haven’t seen it yet, please watch the PV.

Also, if you are a fan, please check out my fan page for them on facebook!
—-> Facebook for UVERworld fans~!

Onto other news! The above link on my layout that says “about” has now been fixed. You can click it now and it will send you to my about me page, which is still under construction, but does have information there!

That include today’s brief update~!