Monthly Archives: January 2013

Writers Distraction Block

First off, happy New Year. It’s been three months since my last update. For that, I’m truly sorry!!
Lately, my writing has been taking the back burner. Writers block is something that every author deals with from time to time. It can last a few days, weeks, months and for some people maybe even years. In my case, I have something called Writers Distraction Block. It’s when I’m working on a specific story and three to ten chapters into, a light bulb appears above my head. I get a new idea. Once that idea is formed, I lose interest in the story I was working on and I’ll abandon it for the new idea. This happens to me more than it should. It’s why my “Raison D’etre” series has gone through several concept changes. In between these changes, I’ve gotten other ideas. All of which, are still sitting inside my novel documents folder.
Currently, I am working a new project, which I have mentioned on my Facebook page. If you‘ve liked the page then you should know what I’m referring to. I feel as though, if I talk about my ideas, I’m jinxing myself into not completing what I started. To all those followers of this blog, you can probably tell that I become distracted by ideas, judging from how many times I’ve stated that I’m working on something different. Nonetheless, if I don’t talk about it, I’m not creating the buzz I should be, especially if I want others to know about it and one day purchase my book.
I’m still on the fence of actually telling you guys what I’m doing, to be honest. I would say that I am working on a story for Raison D’etre. I haven’t come up with a title for book one yet, but I think this is a good idea that I’m hoping I’ll stick with. 
On another note, I haven’t been the best blogger these past few months. I’ve been busy and…well, I honestly didn’t know what to blog about. I want to push myself to the limit when it comes to blogging. I’m still new to it and I haven’t figured out just quite what I want to do for my blogs. I have held regret for creating so many, wishing that I could have just combined my personal, writing and anime/manga reviewing blogs into one big blog. However, I did not do that. So now, I have three blogs that I have to update, which I’ve come to terms with. Plus, I’m starting to feel that it’s best to separate those blog, especially the personal from my author’s blog.
I just want to thank those that are following me, even if you don’t comment on my blogs (that goes for most of you, lol. I’m not upset or anything by it.) I’m not going to make any promises, but I do want to attempt to update more often! I’ll probably slowly release information about the project I’m working on, just to know if you are interested in reading it as a novel! Btw, it is a Young Adult/Fantasy novel.  

Fakebook: Memoirs of Fakers

I’m not sure about you, but I’ve encountered my share of fake profiles over the years. The internet is like a vase universe, at least in my opinion it is. There is so much to do on there and probably over a billion different websites to make accounts on. Within those websites, there are at least thousands of fake profiles.
Facebook, for an example, is probably one of the top most sites to create a fake profile. I have approximately 337 friends on Facebook. Within my friend count, I have spotted at least around 9 fake profiles. The majority of them use “normal” people pictures, but two of them use actual celebrity pictures. What makes the situation even more than what it is there are people in their friends list that actually are gullible enough to believe they are the real deal. This is referring to the “celebrity” profiles.

In 2012, I became friends with a guy online name Dak-ho Lee. He was a quiet guy, who rarely would say too much. The type of person that would say no more than five words (this was when I first met him). Anyways, as weeks went on, Lee and I became friends with some other women in this group we are members of (AMBWP if anyone was curious). We formed sort of like a clique. In total (in the beginning), there was six people (there were others later). Anyways, Lee informed us that he was going to try out for the SM Entertainment (or YG, it was one of companies). During the time, I thought it was a bit strange but I never voiced my thoughts on. Lee eventually made it through and became a trainee. Now, I wasn’t into the whole K-Pop thing because at the time, I didn’t listen to Korean music and I knew nothing about the company he auditioned for. In my mind, I was just going to be supportive a friend.
However, he made it into a group and posted a picture of himself, it looked nothing like him and that was the moment I began to doubt him. I believe Lee knew the picture looked strange, because he mentioned that it looked nothing like him due to the over usage of photoshop. Our friends started to refer to the picture as “Vamp Dak” because he was so pale in the photo and it reminded them of a vampire. 

When a few weeks went by, Lee started to mention his friends a lot, mostly the ones that auditioned with him and were in his group. The names he mentioned mostly were “Kim Baek”, “Yune”, “Kyle” and someone named “Jun”. So anyways, I’m going to skip a lot of detail, because some things aren’t my story to tell. What I will say is that, Kim Baek was one of the main friends of Lee that conversed with us the most. When something happened (I can’t remember what it was exactly) Kim Baek and Lee were in different groups and I noticed that their pictures would change a LOT. Also, they would post music videos of their group and training videos. It became obvious to me that they were fake.
The only thing was, I didn’t want to say anything because I knew my friends thought they were real. I felt as though, if I were to tell them what I thought they would never believe me. So, I kept it to myself and only told two people.

 Fast-forwarding (because this is too long of a story to tell), I confronted Lee when I found prove that he was stealing pictures. He seemed very calm about it, but I could tell he wanted to probably tell the whole truth, but he did not. Instead, he told me that he did in fact steal some pictures and that he just wanted to seem cool. He only did it for the popularity (which he did become very popular, might I add, both him and Kim Baek). Lee then told me that he is who he says he is and yada, yada, yada. I still didn’t believe him, but I left things the way they were. I figured no matter how long it took, the truth would reveal itself soon.

Lee started to disappear from Facebook and Kim Baek became the popular one. He would post pictures of himself all the time, but the pictures were of another K-Pop idol that isn’t really famous…

This is the group Kim Baek said he was in.
Kim Baek portrayed himself as the singer Hansaem
A picture “Kim Baek used of the real “Seo Han Saem”
Year 2013 is when the truth finally came out. As it turns out, the person controlling Lee and Kim Baek’s accounts (along with maybe 15 other profiles) was a girl. She said that she did it for her novel or a paper for college. Honestly, I doubt it was for her novel or college.
In my mind, people create fake profiles for the following reasons:
Ø  Boredom
Ø  Wanting to be popular
Ø  Seeking attention (almost the same as the above)
Ø  Feels insecure about themselves
Ø  Have no friends
Ø  Wanting to create a fantasy life they wish they had
Ø  Revenge on a certain person or people
I won’t mention her real name, but let’s just say she had the gullible people really fooled. She had me fooled for a few weeks when I first met Lee. However, after I saw that “Vamp Dak” photo of his, I knew right away that “Lee” was a fake profile.
Fake profiles are always going to be online. You can try to ban them or isolate them, it doesn’t matter. They’ll always be around. I first experienced my first fake profile encounter in 2008 on MySpace. Since then, I’ve inherited an keen eye on false profiles, due to my observant personality.
The only thing is, I don’t like confronting these profiles or even voicing my thoughts about them to others. This is because I do not line online drama. I think it’s pointless to argue with someone online when you don’t know the person and probably will never see them face to face. It’s just someone on the other side of the computer screen. It’s okay if you want to defend yourself or a family member or whatever, but pointless arguing is stupid. Sorry if you’re the type to argue online, it’s my truth on how I feel about it.
Some of the people “Lee” used for his pictures, I’m not sure who they all were because they were different photos. Kim Baek also used different pictures in the beginning, but then started to use a specific person. His name is Hanseum. He is from the group called, F1rst. I’m not sure if any of you ever heard of them before, but let’s just say that group became very popular in the Asian Men Black Women Persuasion group and on YouTube. Another thing is, one of my old Korean friends told me that the name “Dak-ho Lee” didn’t sound like an Korean name, at least not to his knowledge.

This is F1rst
Since the exposure, all of the fake profiles are still standing (with the exception of Lee’s). The girl who controlled the profiles also is still on Facebook. I highly doubt she cared about what she did, because in my mind I think she thinks she did nothing wrong. Maybe to her it was all fun. Who knows? Either way, she upset a few people by what she did. She didn’t upset me because I knew the truth for a year. I believe the ones that were invested into these profiles were more maddened by it.
What do you think about fake profiles online? There is so much deception online that it’s really hard to trust someone unless you use a webcam to speak with them.
I’m pretty sure the TV show “Catfish” has shaved the wool off of people’s eyes, because let’s face it, there are thousands of gullible people online that are fooled every day.

I’m still alive~!!!

It has been three months since my last update. I want to get in the habit of being a good blogger, but with my slow updates, it is probably more difficult to accomplish. You’ve probably wondering what I have been up too within these past few months. If not, I am going to tell you anyways! 😛

First off, I finally bought a car! This actually happened in September, but I only mentioned it on my ameba blog. After I purchased my car, I felt a bit regretful. Mostly because I could have gotten a better car, but now just glad that I don’t have to be dependent on anyone. I can drive where I want. The only downfall is, I’m horrible with directions T__T Luckily, I have a GPS on my phone, but there has been times it let me down.
After my car, I decided to rejoin the online dating website called, OKCupid. I’ve had previous profiles on the site, but deleted them all. Mostly due to never being able to find someone that I’m truly interested in talking to, (especially when I get messages from people I’m not interested in or the ones I’m interested in aren’t interested in me) I always left. Curiosity of new profiles on okc made me return. I actually did managed to meet someone on there and I enjoyed talking to this person so much, that I left okc to devote my time only conversing with him (he too also stopped going on). Things were going very well (friend wise) and we video chatted, which was my very first time video chatting with anyone. We got along very well and he even told me that I was his first America friend (he was Korean). He and I talked practically every day. We even share the same birthday! It was insanely crazy!

Eventually, I started to view him in a different light and a crush developed. Confessing to a guy is something I would never wanted do again. It’s like I’m cursed in some way or form, because it always turns out badly. So, I decided not to tell him that I liked him. I actually held in that information for a few months, due to my fear of ruining the friendship.
The day came when we decided to meet in person. I had fun spending time with him when we met up. We went to a pizza restaurant, art museum, walked around and talked and at the end, we went to a place called, Bubble Island, which is a bubble tea place. It was a very fun day! However, after meeting, I began to noticed we didn’t talk as much anymore. I began to over analyze things and wondered if I did something wrong without realizing it. Normally, I can read men very well, but when it comes to guys that I like, I’m always lost and confused!! Anyways, we started not to talk as much anymore. I decided to just get it out of the way and tell him that I had a crush while we were texting one day. He thanked me and said something I didn’t understand, which I assumed he was trying to say he liked me too (I’m not 100% sure since I never asked), then he told me “but I will be returning back to Korea soon). I understood his reason and just asked could we remain friends, to which he said of course.
After all of this, I can say that he no longer talks to me. Well, I haven’t heard from this person in quite a while. Two friends of mine said different things, one said that he probably has a reason for not talking to me anymore and other friend said, it probably has something to do with him returning to Korea and not wanting to deal with the long distance. Whatever the reason is, I will admit that I was saddened by it, because he became a good friend that I enjoyed talking to. However, it’s a new year and I won’t allow myself to be sad over a guy. I have gotten over it and moved on, but I have rejoined okc again just to give it one more go. I’m trying to remain positive when it comes to my non-loveless life, lol. So far, from joining the website, I have met an awesome person! We have a lot in common, which is a big plus for me. I won’t go far in detail about this person, for the simple fact that I don’t want to jinx myself. Yes, I believe in jinxes! Lol.
I’ve always got my hair cut for the first time ever! It’s very short. The shortest my hair has ever been. I’ll go in more details about it in a future blog entry.

New picture of me~!! ;3;
There is so much to talk about, so, I’ve decided to expand everything in separate entries. Below is a list of what to expect! 
ü  22 month hair transitioning + New haircut
ü  Fakebook (Fake profiles)
ü  Youtube Video Blogs
ü  Gilman Scholarship Program
On a side note. I’m really starting to become a big supporter of G-Dragon.
Isn’t he abnormally attractive? ;////;

When Harry Potter comes to an end.
When Twilight comes to an end.