Monthly Archives: October 2012

The Cult of Me: Guest Author Interview – Brittney Woodson

Despite deciding to revise BANDIT (and that it is no longer on Amazon), some weeks ago I was interviewed by Micheal Brooks at his blog. I would still like to share the interview regardless! I hope you all enjoy it!

The Cult of Me: Guest Author Interview – Brittney Woodson: Today we welcome Brittney Woodson to the guest author interview, you can read what she has to say below: Please introduce yourself, who ar…

Pulling Bandit from Kindle + Question for my followers

Have you ever completed a story and not felt 100% satisfied with the results? That’s how I feel about BANDIT. In the beginning, I did not feel that way at all. The first eleven chapters of this book, I liked. However, a few chapters after that, the 100% dropped to 70%. Now, I know what you are probably thinking, “70% is still kind of high.” Needless to say, I still was not feeling it, but I continued on with the story regardless. Currently, I am almost finished with the first book (it will have 26 chapters and I am working on chapter 22 now). Today, I started to really think about the direction BANDIT was going and realized that many aspects of the book could be much better. 
What I have decided to do is pull Volume 1 from Kindle and work on it more thoroughly this time. I apologize for those who purchased BANDIT or read it during the Free Promotional period. The chapters you read were one through seven. Those chapters will still remain (somewhat) the same, but revised better and one of the chapters will be pulled to be placed in the second book. 
Originally, the entire first book was a brief inside from the mind of Harley, Axel and three chapters with Sebastian. This time around, I decided to make the first book entirely through Harley’s eyes. The second book will be through Axel’s eyes and through his journey. It will not be in first person, but in third person limited. Also, book one and two will be combined. This means that, book one will continue in book two, but for Axel’s story (not reading his own thoughts of book one) I’m sorry, I am terrible at explaining things and I hope I did not confuse anyone. šŸ˜¦
Basically, what I am trying to say is BANDIT will be revised. Once completed, it will be available through e-books and print. Once again, I am very sorry. D:
Also, I would to ask, if you think that is a good idea. Meaning, would you like to see book one as Harley’s story (her tracking down the murderer of her family) and book two as Axel’s story (his life as a wanted criminal) Might I add, the concept of the story will be the same. Nothing about that will change. 
What do you think? I’d love to hear your thoughts on this matter.

Sidenote: I have made a “Character a Day” for my BANDIT characters. This will still be continued while I am revising the story. For those who didn’t catch it, you can see it here: A Character a Day. You can also read Axel and Harley’s profile here: Click here

Are you up for the November 2012 challenge?

This year, I will be participating in NaNowrimo. I tried last year, but unfortunately did not make it. This is definitely a big challenge to produce a full-length novel by the end of the month (50,000 words to be exact). It is a challenge that I am willing to once again take head on! Are you up for the challenge?

(Day 3) A Character a Day: Cyrus Fate (BANDIT)

It’s day 3 of “A Character a Day”! So far, I’ve revealed Hunter and Sebastian. Today, I will be revealing Cyrus Fate. He is one of the main antagonist of BANDIT and the murderer behind Harley’s family.

Background: Not much is known about Cyrus with the exception that he is an impulsive person.

Personality: His personality somewhat mirrors Sebastian. He is cold and collected in most things he does. The only difference between him and Sebastian is that Cyrus never acts with a purpose or plan. He does everything based on impulse. He does not understand emotions very well, that or, he simply does not care either way. His expressions lack any facial emotion, making it hard for others to read him.

Appearance: Cyrus is short in comparison to Axel and Hunter. He has spiky brown hair with bangs that usually cover his left eye and has blue eyes. He wears dark-colored clothes, which includes a black hat, dark red shirt, black pants and a dark-colored military style boots.


  • Cyrus is 5’7 ft. tall.
  • His favorite quote to say is, “Some desire is necessary to keep life in motion.” as quoted by Samuel Johnson. 

Did I Notice Your Book?

Hello! I am taking part of the, ā€œDid I Notice Your Blogfestā€ hosted by Ciara Knight and Ninja Captain Alex. The point of this blogfest is to choose a book that you have read, something you saw on a social media site, Goodreads or sales websites.    
The book I have chosen is actually a book I have yet to finish reading. 
Summary: Sixteen-year-old Eon has a dream, and a mission. For years, he’s been studying sword-work and magic, toward one end. He and his master hope that he will be chosen as a Dragoneye-an apprentice to one of the twelve energy dragons of good fortune.

But Eon has a dangerous secret. He is actually Eona, a sixteen-year-old girl who has been masquerading as a twelve-year-old boy. Females are forbidden to use Dragon Magic; if anyone discovers she has been hiding in plain sight, her death is assured.

When Eon’s secret threatens to come to light, she and her allies are plunged into grave danger and a deadly struggle for the Imperial throne. Eon must find the strength and inner power to battle those who want to take her magic…and her life.

How I came to discover this book was when I went to Walmart. Whenever I am there, I always venture into the book section. While I was searching for a new book to buy, I came across this. The first thing that captured my attention was the cover. When I read the back of it, I loved it and knew I had to buy it. I even bought the second one that same day, along with another book, lol)

(Day 2) A Character a Day: Sebastian Heimrich (BANDIT)

Art by: Redsama 
Sebastian Heimrich is one of the main antagonist of BANDIT. He was the oldest son of Alexander Heimrich, the founder and leader of District 13. After his father’s death, Sebastian took over the role as the new leader, known to the society as one of the harshest dictators of their time.

Background: Sebastian was born in District 13. As a child, Sebastian was carefree and charismatic in this youth. At the death of his mother, a darker aspect of Sebastian’s character came into light. He was always much closer to his mother than father, Alexander.

Personality: Sebastian is a calm, serious, aloof and dispassionate man. He refers to the lower class od District 13 as the “lowlifes” of the city and shows no mercy for anyone. His cold demeanor allows him to stay completely calm and in control in most situations and he is not easily caught off-guard. Despite being aloof and coldhearted, Sebastian always smiles to his citizens. However, most people can see beyond his smile to know that it is not sincere.

Dakota, though an android, explained once to Axel that her brother is highly perceptive, cunning and analytic. Sebastian can commit abhorrent and inhumane actions without feeling any shred of remorse or hesitation  which makes him one of the most feared people in District 13.

Although his sister clings to him after the death of their father, Sebastian shows her no kindness and treats her as coldly as he wold anyone else (behind closed doors). He deems her as a useless android that does not understand the difference between right or wrong. He shows great hatred towards Axel, due to Axel killing his father.

Appearance: Sebastian, in spite of his aloof nature, is often referred to as “beautiful” and “Adonis”. Women find him to be charming, despite the stoic expression that is constantly on his face. He has blonde hair, flawless fair skin and a well-trained body figure. He is always seen wearing his military uniform.


  • Dakota Heimrich: His relationship with his sister is almost nonexistent to Sebastian. He hardly acknowledges her presence and only speaks to her if he is ordering her to do something for him or if he wants to know anything about the whereabouts of Axel or other citizens. He finds it useless to put on a facade to pretend to like her, saying that pretentious people are the most disgusting people in the world.
  • Sebastian is 5’11 ft. tall.
  • He is has intense blue eyes, much like Harley’s, that captures people’s attention.
  • His favorite food is the puffer fish, explaining that it it the most exciting food to eat because it is one of the deadliest fish in the world. His least favorite is anything excessively greasy. 
  • Sebastian is left handed. 
  • The only person he has ever loved was his deceased mother.
  • Despite being attractive, many women are afraid of Sebastian and do not dare approach him, besides one woman in particular. 
  • Sebastian rarely ventures out of the Heimrich manor unless it is for a speech, when it does the citizens are surprised to see him.

Author Interview: C.E Wilson

Welcome to m third author’s interview! I must say that I enjoy interviewing the wonderful authors who I have encountered and thank you for allowing me the opportunity to interview you. šŸ™‚ Today, we have C.E Wilson, the author of Oath of Servitude. Let’s get started, shall we?

 1. Tell us about yourself.

My name is C.E. Wilson and I am currently living in the Pittsburgh area. I love reading almost as much as I love writing, and I often post short stories on DeviantArt. Shopping and watching TV shows on DVD are also guilty pleasures that I wish I didnā€™t love so much. 

2. When and why did you begin writing?

Iā€™ve been writing stories since I was a little kid begging for more Lisa Frank notebooks. I used to keep notebooks all around my parentsā€™ house and write out stories and read them to just about anyone who would listen. I felt the need to write whenever I had difficulty finding stories that I liked in the bookstores. If I couldnā€™t read about what I wanted to read about, I wrote it out instead. I still do this.

3. How did you come up with your book title?

I honestly canā€™t remember! (facepalms) Iā€™m so sorry. That is really sad, actually. All I can say is that I love to play around with words when coming up with titles, descriptions, and even names. I probably just blurted it out randomly while watching TV with my husband.

4. Is there a message in your novel that you want your readers to grasp?
You need people in your life whom you can trust without question. You can have friends and you can have peers, but whom of these people do you really trust? In Oath of Servitude, trust and loyalty is a large part of the story, and I hope that readers think about who they actually trust in their lives. Those are the people who make life worth living.

5. What books have most influenced your life most?

Mary Nortonā€™s The Borrowers and Lynne Reid Banksā€™s The Indian in the Cupboard. For some reason Iā€™ve always liked reading stories where there is a major size difference between characters. I donā€™t know why, but Iā€™ve always wanted to write stories/books like these for a young adult audience. I hope Oath of Servitude does them both justice.

6. Do you see writing as a career?

I really want writing to be my career. It is something that I really love, and if anyone has a chance to make a career out from doing something that they love, well that is a double plus!!

7. If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?

Thatā€™s a tough question. I guess it would depend on the time. I considered Lynne Reid Banks like a mentor because I really wanted to write like she did in The Indian in the Cupboard. Now, however, I am a huge fan of Mellissa Marrā€™s writing style. I love how she was able to take a topic like fae and bring them to the modern world in her Wicked Lovely series. That was the type of world that I wanted to create with The Punishment Sequence.

8. What are your current projects?

I am working on a standalone book called The Promise right now and I seriously cannot wait to publish this story. Itā€™s something that I really wrote for me, but I hope that other people will enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it. I am also in the process of editing Permanent Shadows which is the second book in The Punishment Sequence.

9. Do you have a specific writing style?

My writing style focuses a lot on dialogue between characters. I enjoy banter that makes readers feel like they are actually sitting there in the room and watching the conversation. I like dialogue that comes to life.

10. Any advice you would like to pass down to your readers?

For readers out there who are trying to write their own books and publish, the best advice that I can give is to be patient. No one knows who you are and how to find you when you first publish. The key is to keep writing. The more you write, the more you publish and the more you are able to publish, the more likely people will find your works. 

For readers out there, keep an open mind. Major size differences between characters are not something that is very popular in young adult stories, but I would love to see readers give these types of relationships a chance. I think readers could really come to love Teague and Cailin if they would just give them a chance. 

Thank you for taking the time to interview me!! 

And thank you for allowing me to chance to interview you~!! I really loved reading your responses, especially the advice you gave. For a chance to find out more about C.E and her books, please check out the links below:

It’s finally here!!!

Am I excited? Yes.
Was it just as awesome as I thought it would be? Yes.
Did Anna look super cool? Yes.
The video lived up to my expectations and I’m so happy that the video has been released!
Do you want to want? I would highly recommend it if you are a JRock fan. 
You can watch the video at the link below!
—-> Click Here <—-
Never mind, it was removed 

Enjoy the awesome goodness of it all~!

(Day 1) A Character a Day: Hunter (BANDIT)

I’ve decided to do a character a day post, where I would blog each day about a character from BANDIT. Each blog entry would be dedicated for that specific character from the series with a featured picture of them. If you remember from a previous post, I did a brief introduction of the two main characters Axel Edge and Harley. You can find that post here: Bandit’s main characters: Axel and Harley revealed!

Today, I will be revealing Hunter! He is a secondary/main character of the series and best friends with Axel. I hope you enjoy it~! Also, the names on the picture “Hinata6Uchiha” is myself and Redsama is the artist who drew my characters for me. šŸ™‚

Hunter is one of the supporting protagonist of BANDIT. He is good friends with Axel and often helps him out of sticky situations. He is very loyal to Axel and would do anything he can to help him. He is also a hacker, that has a bad gambling problem.

Background: Hunter grew up in Arrows Edge. He is the fourth child and only boy of his seven sisters. Growing up in the small town, Hunter was prone to people bullying him because of his short height and overly friendly, yet enthusiastic persona. Despite his friendly deposition, Hunter constantly wore a mask to cover up the sadness he felt due to not having any friends. When he first noticed Axel, he thought Axel was a cool person and wanted to befriend him. Unfortunately, his attempts were failed because Axel would ignore him and referred to him as, “an annoying fly.” When a group of bullies corned him one day, Axel appeared, defended Hunter and scared away the bullies. From that day forward, Hunter and Axel became closer friends. As the years went by, Hunter grew taller (but not nearly as tall as Axel). During his teen years, he had gotten into a violent fight with a gang and lost his arm. Because of this, Hunter now bares a cybernetic arm. He often takes pride in his arm and explains that it is his greatest strength and it makes him look tough and cool.

His initial thought of Axel helping Harley search for Cyrus, he was against it. He feared it would jeopardize Axel’s life. He eventually felt more relaxed about it when he noticed how comfortable Axel and Harley were around each other.

Personality: Hunter is a very carefree character, in some ways very similar to Harley’s carefree attitude. He is friendly, outgoing and likes to fool around and smiles constantly. He often teases Axel and Harley. Hunter likes to make bad jokes to lighten the mood if needed. He tends to see the good in people, even in people such as, Sebastian and Cyrus.

He cares deeply for Axel and goes to great length to protect him.  He calls Axel, “Axie”, to annoy him, knowing Axel hates the name (a nickname he started calling Axel during their childhood.) Due to being the only boy out of his siblings, Hunter can understand the way women think better than most men can. He also enjoys flirting with women, though his luck with the opposite gender is none too lucky. Hunter also has a big crush on District 7’s leader Kaelen Talon.

Appearance: Hunter is a tall, fit male with scruffy dark brown hair, hazel eyes and chiseled features. His right arm is a synthetic, which is metal. He had the choice of choosing a realistic human arm, but he denied it, exclaiming that an android arm made him look cooler. He wears a white sleeveless shirt with a collar, with dark black pants.


  • Axel Edge: Hunter and Axel have been close childhood friends, that grew up in the same town. Hunter is quick to defend his honor whenever he hears someone speak rudely about him. Hunter enjoys teasing Axel just to annoy him and often questions rather or not he has feelings for Harley. He also enjoys training with Axel. 
  • Harley: In the beginning, Hunter was not too sure about Harley, but eventually grew fond of her and started viewing her as a new friend. He flirts with her occasionally to get Axel to admit he has feelings for her. Hunter often gives Harley boy advice and how to get through Axel, who Harley thinks of as a enigma puzzle.
  • Kaelen Talon: Hunter has a crush on Kaelen, often commenting on her beauty. He knows that Kaelen wears a mask in front of people (he true nature is quite crafty), but he still likes her. He ignores the fact that she pays more attention to Axel than him and is not jealous about it. Despite his flirtation nature, he has a biased attraction towards Kaelen and truly only sees her as a potential girlfriend.
  • He is one of the two characters that does not have any interactions with anyone else besides, Harley Kaelen and Axel. (He never has any formal interactions with the other characters of BANDIT. However, he has mentioned that he spoke to Sebastian once, though it is never seen in the book.)
  • His favorite hobbies are flirting and gambling. 
  • His favorite foods are anything that is spicy, while his least favorite is anything that smells bad.
  • Hunter is very quick on his feet, known as the most renowned runner, which is one of the reasons Axel likes to use him as alive target practice (not with real bullets.)
  • Hunter is 6’2 ft. tall. Yet, he still feels short when standing next to Axel.
  • Hunter is rarely seen upset, even in the most serious situations. 

Blog layout question

I’ve never changed this layout since I first created this blog, but layout I’m wondering if I should change it. I found a layout that I quite like. If you are curious of what that layout looks here it is:

That’s a small preview of how it looks and if that doesn’t help, here is a bigger live preview: here. The only thing that bugs me about it is the fact you won’t be able to see the blog archive if you wanted to and when you search for older post, a new window would be opened. I’m sure I could fix that aspect of it, but I’m not sure how I could change the blog archive.
Do you think I should keep this blog the way it is, or is it time for a change? Would it bother you if you couldn’t see the archive? All thoughts appreciated, I just wanted some suggestions or advice on it! ^^;