Brief update++

Can you hear it? The awesomeness of UVERworld’s new song “The Over” is now the new song on my blog!

If you didn’t know, I am a HUGE UVERworld fan. I love all of their music. There hasn’t been one song by them that I dislike, which is saying a lot for me! Because it is very rare for me to like every single song of singer/or band that I like.

If you haven’t seen it yet, please watch the PV.

Also, if you are a fan, please check out my fan page for them on facebook!
—-> Facebook for UVERworld fans~!

Onto other news! The above link on my layout that says “about” has now been fixed. You can click it now and it will send you to my about me page, which is still under construction, but does have information there!

That include today’s brief update~!

2 thoughts on “Brief update++

  1. Francis September 14, 2012 at 9:33 pm Reply

    I LOVE your new layout! The UVERworld adds to the touch. Nice blog.

  2. Panda Ninja September 15, 2012 at 2:07 am Reply

    @FrancisThank you! I've had it for quite some time now though, lol. XD UVERworld is awesome!

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