Monthly Archives: July 2012

I am still alive!

こんにちわみなさん~!(Hello, everyone!)
I am still alive! I just haven’t updated my blog in ages and for that I apologize. Lately, I have been very distracted working on my novel that I have not set aside time to update any of my blogs. To give you a brief rundown, I am working on two novels at once and busy doing other things as well in my life. I will update my blogs, including my abandoned anime reviewing blog, soon. Next month, August 20th, my fall semester of college starts back up, which I am dreading T^T Once again, I will be taking online classes. Four online classes to be exact. I know it’s a lot, and judging from last semester, online classes are no joke. It’s not as easy as it appears to be, but I’m trying to hurry up and collect all my credits so I can move onto a university. By taking four courses this year and four courses next semester, I will finally be finished at my college!
I’m slightly unsure what I really want to major in, since there are three things that interest me.
          Japanese major
          English major
          Film major
I guess, I’ll just have to see when that time comes, but I may chose Japanese. I’ve already had a few Japanese courses at my current college last year. It is easy, only if you are interested in learning. However, I will admit for myself it was very difficult learning kanji.
Anyways, I will be updating soon~! Please be patient with me. 🙂
Btw, how do you like the new layout? The above characters on the banner are the characters from one of my novels, drawn for me by, Redsama on deviantART. 

I’m still alive! ((((;゜Д゜)))

こんにちわみなさん~!(Hello, everyone!)
I am still alive! I just haven’t updated my blog in ages and for that I apologize. Lately, I have been very distracted working on my novel that I have not set aside time to update any of my blogs. To give you a brief rundown, I am working on two novels at once and busy doing other things as well in my life. I will update my blogs, including my abandoned anime reviewing blog, soon. Next month, August 20th, my fall semester of college starts back up, which I am dreading T^T Once again, I will be taking online classes. Four online classes to be exact. I know it’s a lot and judging from last semester, online classes are no joke. It’s not as easy as it appears to be, but I’m trying to hurry up and collect all my credits so I can move onto a university. By taking four courses this year and four courses next semester, I will finally be finished at my college by next semester!
I’m slightly unsure what I really want to major in, since there are three things that interest me.
          Japanese major
          English major
          Film major
I guess, I’ll just have to see when that time comes, but I may chose Japanese. I’ve already had a few Japanese courses at my current college last year. It is easy, only if you are interested in learning. However, I will admit for myself it was very difficult learning kanji.

I have made a new blog on ameblo. There is only one entry there, but if you are interested in looking at it, the link is below. 

Panda Ninja <—- Ameblo
Anyways, I will be updating soon~! Please be patient with me. 🙂
Btw, how do you like the layout? I know I stated previously that I would not delete my Yukio layout, but I’ve always wanted a simple looking blog and well…ta-da~!!! I hope you like it. ^^

Paradise Kiss – Picture from Tumblr