Monthly Archives: June 2012

Liebster Award~!

I received my very first award for this blog on June 20, 2012 from Rhea. Thank you so much Rhea! It made me really happy when I noticed you gave me a award! ^^ If you guys are interested in checking out her answers, you can do so by clicking this link here: Q&A
For the curious mind, this a Liebster Award is the following:

  • The Liebster Blog Award is given to upcoming bloggers who have less than 200 followers.
  • The Meaning; Liebster is German and means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome. 
  • The Rules
  • Each person must post 11 things about themselves.
  • Answer the questions the tagger has set for you plus create 11 questions for the people you’ve tagged to answer
  • Choose eleven people and link them in your post.
  • Go to their page and tell them.
  • Remember no tag backs!

11 things about me:
  1. I like oranges, but I don’t like any orange flavor candy. D:
  2. People always assume that I’m between the ages 14-18, when in reality I am 23 years old. 
  3. I never miss a chapter of the Naruto manga and I’m a huge supporter of SasuHina even though I know it’ll never happen. T^T
  4. I’m very attracted to Asian men, especially Japanese and Chinese men ;3; 
  5. My favorite candy is anything that is chewy, like gummy candies! 
  6. It annoys me to see commercials at the movies now. I can watch commercials at home! D:
  7. Misery is one movie that I could watch over and over without ever getting tired of it. (I’ve once watched it three times in one day :O)
  8. I’ve always wanted an older brother. Sadly, things cannot work that way. ;-;
  9. I have more black shirts than I can count. I really need to buy a variety of different colored shirts, lol. 
  10. I have a weird habit of backtracking my steps. It is something that I have been doing since I was six years old. 
  11. I have a celebrity crush on Miyavi and James Franco ;//3//;
Rhea’s 11 questions to me:
  1. What made you start blogging: I started blogging because I thought it would be fun to do. When I decided to join the Navy, I was going to blog about my everyday life in the military. However, eventually I decided not join and my blog became a personal/ambw blog. As time went on, I started to made separate blogs for different things. This blog became my personal blog, then I made a novel blog and an anime reviewing blog. 
  2. Favorite thing to cook: Hm, anything that is quick and easy. Something like ramen! ^^
  3. How would you describe your style: I don’t particularly have a certain style that I would categorize myself under. My clothes are a wide range of different styles, mostly casual and laid back. My favorite style of clothing is visual kei and anything unique!
  4. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be: This is easy. Japan, of course! I’ve always wanted to visit Japan for many years now. Hopefully, I’ll be able to actually visit soon~!
  5. One person you couldn’t live without (excluding family): Sadly, I don’t have anyone like that. So for this answer I chose my dogs, Roxy and Kyo. XD
  6. Your favorite way to de-stress: Listen to music and watch The Ellen Show!
  7. Do you play video games and what’s your favorite: Yes! I do play video games. I own a PS3 and my top three favorite games are, Metal Gear Solid 4, Heavy Rain and Naruto Shippuden: Storm 2
  8. A book you could read over and over: Hm…I’m not sure if there is any book I could reread. However, I am a big fan of anything written by Sherrilyn Kenyon. Maybe I could read some of her books over and perhaps Hunger Games.
  9. Favorite genre of music or favorite song at the moment: My favorite genre is rock and jrock. I’ll listen to just about anything, with the exception of rap, but those two are my favorite genres. My current favorite song is “Mashup Top Hits of 2011 Germany Version” and “Core Pride” will always be a favorite song, lol. 
  10. Do you speak any other languages and if no what would you like to learn: I can speak Japanese. I’m slightly rusty because I haven’t studied in so long, though. D: Other languages I’d like to learn are, German, Russian and Chinese. I tried Korean, but it was too difficult for me. >_<
  11. Play any instruments: When I was younger I could play the clarinet. However, the one instrument I’d love to learn how to play is the drums. Currently, I own a guitar that I have held since I was 14, but I don’t know how to play…still. T^T I really need to practice. D: Lol. 
11 people I think deserve this award

I don’t really know too many bloggers. The majority of all the bloggers I follow have more than 200 followers ;-; I hope its okay that I gave some awards to people who have a little over 200 followers >_< Also, is it weird to give a blog award to a celebrity? I gave one to a celebrity who just started blogspot. :O 
  1. What is your favorite movie or worst movie you’ve ever seen?
  2. Do you have any odd habits?
  3. Are you superstitious?
  4. What is one song that you could listen to over and over?
  5. Are you a spender or saver?
  6. What made you choose blogspot for your blogging site instead of other websites? ex. wordpress and so on.
  7. Which color best describes your personality?
  8. Describe yourself in a single sentence.
  9. If you were an animal, which animal would you be?
  10. If you could be on any television show or movie, which would it be?
  11. Do you have any celebrity crushes?
I can’t wait to see your answers! x)

Picture from Tumblr

My Asian "Obsession" Explained.

I finally did it! I made my very first Youtube video! You have no idea how nervous I was to upload the video, but I got over my nervousness! I felt the confidence building up and I just did it! 
However, that’s the video link above! It is a video response to ThatWeirdUglyGirl. She made a video titled “My Asian Obsession Explained”. I told her that I would make a video response, and there it is! Anyways…the video title is pretty self-explanatory. I am in no way obsessed with Japan, or any other Asian culture, but I wanted to explain why I like it and why people tend to ask me this question so much. 
Not much else to say….


If you have a Youtube, please comment it or subscribe to my channel! Much will be appreciated! Sorry for my lack of updates. I will update soon~! Also, for any new readers I post gifs and videos at the end of each of my post below, in case you were wondering. ;3;

A change has been made

…Or should I say “another” change has been made. As you may know, my story was titled Raison D’etre: The Asa. It was basically following the story of Molly, who was an Asa (healer) in training, preparing for an upcoming war between Sector 7 (leader Murdoc) and Sector 13 (leader Gideon). I almost completed the chapter outlines for the story, but then I stopped to think. Another idea came to me. This happens quite often, which sometimes deters me from completing any of my stories. I become sidetracked. I tell myself, “This plot is definitely the one!” then eventually I grow tired of it and think of something else. My imagination runs wild, extremely wild. 
The original concept of Raison D’etre: The Asa is still going to become apart of the Raison D’etre series, but it will be a story for a later time. All of the original characters from the 30 Day Character Development are apart of the new concept, because I simply could not get rid of those characters because I like them so much. However, the characters now have different roles in the story. Same personalities, somewhat, but different roles. Some of the changes made are that Murdoc and Roman are now brothers and Haine and Aero are now Gideon’s sons.
I’ve come up with another plot, though it is still apart of the Raison D’etre series. I won’t say that this idea is “the one”, but I do like it. I’m in the process of working through developing the story. Normally whenever I do come up with an new idea, I’m such in a rush to get started working on the chapters, that I barely set aside the time to work on the back story and other development issues pertaining to the story. So, this time, I’ve spent the majority of this week working on the development. I’m very happy that I am working on this very seriously, because distractions are my worst enemy. Fortunately, the enemy has not made its appearance this entire week!!!


I have the WIP notes, back story, information on the two main nations and now I’m getting read to tackle on the development of my characters! To help me develop my story properly, I have been using my “Screenwriting for Dummies” book. The concept of the book helps you to develop a script, but it also has fundamental aspects of advice in helping you to form backgrounds, character development, story ideas, how to write a good dialogue and much more. These are all things that can also be helpful towards writing a novel, which is why I’m using that book for reference.   
Developing a story can be difficult at times, but with the right amount of determination an author can get by smoothly. Even if the road ahead is bumpy, you’ll get to the smooth part soon enough. Even if it takes months or years. Patience is the key when writing. I’ve learn that the hard way, because I was always pressuring myself to finish everything quickly, which eventually became very stressful. 
Raison D’etre has been through many changes. In all honesty, I have been working on it for a year and about five months. The title has changed drastically, and I am pleased with the new title. The only thing that I believe I need to work on is to stick with a story line and not become distracted by new ideas. 
Distractions be warned! I have a dangerous Ikki ready to attack if you decide to make an appearance again!