Monthly Archives: May 2012

Updates + Formspring + Videos~!!! \ ( o/_\o ) /

I normally do not upload any pictures of myself in my blogs, but I thought that I would do something different and show you guys me! It is a recent picture that I took of myself. In the background on my picture you can see some of my anime DVDs, lol. Anyways. Lately, I have been working on my novel. I decided to go back to my original plot and work on it. Currently, I’m rewriting chapter eight. If I keep at it, I should be finished sometime this weekend, if not by the end of the week. Distractions is my worst enemy, so we’ll see how that turns how. Haha. Lately, I have been watching PonPonPon dance cover over and over by Miume and Melochin. The dance is very cute to me and fun! I have been practicing it and with a little more practice I plan to upload it to my personal Youtube channel, which currently has 0 videos uploaded. ^^;
For those of the curious mind. This is the PonPonPon dance cover. It’s a really fun dance. I love their energy and how they keep smiling! 

I have stated in a previous entry that I am interested in doing dance covers. It would definitely help me get over my shyness and PonPonPon will most likely be the first dance I will do. If not then probably “OK” by Meg.

Meg – “OK
Kyary Pamyu PamyuPONPONPON

Also, for those who have Instagram, I have it as well! It’s “PonPonMomo“. I’m not very active there, but I will be soon. Feel free to add me there if you want! I also have a Formspring, which you can find here —> MomoxCanna

Let’s talk about something I haven’t talked about in a long time here. AMBW. Yeah, it’s been a while since I’ve discussed that subject here. Probably…months? Anyways, in January I made a post here telling everyone of various ambw facebook groups I am apart of. I am still apart of those groups, but I am not very active in them lately. A thought did come across that maybe I should delete myself from a few of the groups. Don’t get me wrong, I am still a supporter of that relationship, but I have been so focused on my novel that I haven’t been commenting in any of the statuses. In the end, I decided to stay. Have I met anyone? Am I still single? T^T yes, I am. I do have kind of a small crush…. D: There is no way I could tell him anyways. And do you want to know the thing that sucks even more? He doesn’t live in Michigan. D: Despite how much I wish I were in a relationship, I need to realize to focus on myself for the time being and if the right one comes along, I will know. x)

I’m going to TRY and update my anime reviewing blog later this week. I’m really running behind schedule on that one. Most likely it will be a review of Zetman next.

There is so many things I want to do. D: It feels like I’m trying to do everything at once, lol.

  1. Complete my novel
  2. Learn how to play my guitar
  3. Start drawing again
  4. Continue studying Japanese (since I’m getting rusty)
  5. Update my deviantART more
  6. Update my abandoned fan fictions
  7. Get started on my product reviews for Influenster
  8. Finally learn to sing the lyrics to “Core Pride” (I have some of the lyrics down packed XD)
  9. Clean my desk (I can be lazy T^T)
My list would have been longer, but I decided that’s all I needed to share. Lol. As you can see there are a lot of things I want to accomplish. I’m hoping that I will be able to finish everything before my semester starts back up this fall, which will be late August. 
My novel comes first though! I really want to complete that more than anything. I’ll feel so more accomplished once I complete it. >3<

Korra + Bolin = Borra 
Black Eyed Peas I Gotta Feeling

New look!

With the help of Sheena-Kay, who told me how to add the tabs on my blog, I have changed my layout. I know this will probably mark the 1234567890th time I’ve changed it, lol. However, this time I am very satisfied. I have been awake now for a very long time. It is currently 2:50am here in Michigan. For most of the day, I was struggling to finish at least three chapters of Raison D’etre. Did I accomplish this task?

No…I did not.

It’s okay though! I’ve learned not to push myself too hard, which causes me to become stressed. I just become very anxious and cannot help myself, lol. I really want to complete this novel, but I need to be patient.

With everything out of the way, I’m going to close here and head to bed, because I am wayyy tired right now! Lol.


Update on 30 days of character development

Okay. I know that I have been taking a long time updating this meme daily. I’m actually on day 30, but I have not started on it yet. Day 30 might take me a while to complete. For this day we must write a letter to our characters. Seeing how I have six characters, I will have a lot to write, rather type, lol.

Don’t worry! I will update it soon. Also, I’m going to try my hardest to start commenting the book blogs I follow. I would like to gain more readers for this particular blog, but due to lack of expanding and meeting other book bloggers I am lacking a bit here. However, I am still enjoying blogging here!

Sidebar, how do you like the new layout? I’m never really 100% satisfied with layouts I download. I do like this one, but I feel as though it is too bright. I do want to make a regular blog, with the tabs and such but I don’t know how to do it D: If I knew how, I wouldn’t have changed the layout on this blog so much lol. 

Burst of inspiration & updates.

Have you ever had a sudden burst of inspiration that suddenly hits you like a ton of bricks? This happens to me every once in a while. Sometimes I act on it and other times I simply ignore it. As of right now, I have a sudden feeling that I just want to write and draw. Nine times out of ten, I won’t draw today…maybe tomorrow…or maybe Sunday…or maybe…

Okay! I’m not sure exactly when I plan on drawing just yet! It will be soon though! Right now, I’m going to finish working on my novel. For those who follow my novel blog, you are probably aware that I am working on  completing my novel. I’ve been working on various books for a while now, but the one I’m currently working on I have started it a year and five months ago. Yes, it has been that long! The book has gone through a lot of rewrites. Thankfully, I have found the right plot for it and have been working on it for two months so far. 
Two very slow months…

I do not update this blog as much. My reasons? Well, if you want the honest truth…
  1. I forget to update. 
  2. I don’t know what to blog about. 
  3. A ghost named laziness takes over my body…T^T

Forgive me! I’ll try to update more often. I have even been lacking on my anime reviewing blog as well. I guess my motivation is draining. It’s hanging on for dear life for survival. 

Meanwhile, I have went on a book frenzy. I bought a few books some weeks ago. I can’t help myself whenever I see books. I’m like a kid in a candy store or something. Go ahead and call me a bookworm! I love books and I don’t care what people think about that! XD
The books I bought were “Born of Silence” by Sherrilyn Kenyon (I love her books!), “Eon” and “Eona” by Alison Goodman. “Eona” is book two of “Eon”. I haven’t started to read the last two yet, but I have started on “Born of Silence” and so far, so good. Then again, I might be biased because I am a fan of Kenyon’s books. 
I was thinking about changing my song on this page, but I love “Core Pride” so much that I don’t think I’ll be changing it anytime soon. UVERworld is the best band ever to me! Linkin Park used to be my number one favorite rock band, but they have dropped lower on my top favorites bands. What are my tops now?
  1. UVERworld
  2. Breaking Benjamin
  3. Queen
  4. Linkin Park
  5. Nickleback
There isn’t one UVERworld song that I don’t like. Their songs are all so awesome! 
Let’s move onto Gyaru, shall we? So, for a while now I have been contemplating about trying the Gyaru style. For those who are unfamiliar with this term, allow wikipedia to give you the sum of it:

Gyaru fashion is a type of Japanese street fashion that originated in the 1970’s. Gyaru is most commonly referred to as ganguro, but it is actually a subculture of gyaru. It was popular in the 1990’s, but shortly died out in the early 2000’s. Gyaru is a girly-glam style, breaking away from traditional standards of beauty by dwelling on the man-made (wigs, fake eyelashes,fake nails, etc). Gyaru fashion neither fit well with the Japanese traditional culture nor how the media portray ideals of Japanese women. It is often classified as a sign of youth rebellion. Gyaru fashion is typically characterized by having heavily bleached or dyed hair (mostly shades from dark brown to blonde), excessively decorated nails, and dramatic makeup.The makeup typically consists of dark eyeliner, fake eyelashes and cosmetic circle lenses so as to create the illusion of large, anime-like eyes. Extremist tend to get vivid color hair wigs, for example, neon pink or lime green.Clothing pieces for gyaru fashion differ depending on which gyaru style the individual chooses.

That, my dearies, is what Gyaru is. If you want more of a visual of what it is, then I would advice going to google images and type in the word “gyaru” there will be a wide range of various Gyaru styles that will come up. Oh yeah. There are different styles of this fashion. You have Gyaru-kei, Banba and Kogyaru just to name a few. The styles are all very different and unique in their own way. From reading different blogs about Gyaru, I decided that I wanted to attempt the style myself. I even joined a group on Facebook! However, there are a few things that comes with being a gyaru. One of the most important things is, apparently, you have to make your eyes appear big. This means circle lens and fake lashes. Now, I don’t think it is a MUST to wear those two items, but it is big part of this fashion. I’ve read that as along as you can make your makeup look really good, then you don’t have to add the lens and lashes. That can be good for someone like me, who doesn’t wear either one of those (the lens and lashes). The only thing is that I suck at applying makeup!

I’m such a beginner at makeup. So, I know that it would take me a very long time for me to even be considered a Gal. I do want to start my own style. Well…that didn’t really make much sense, lol. What I’m trying to say is that I’m trying to find my own style. I know what I like, but how can I corporate it into one?
Audrey Hepburn
Gwen Stefani
Anna Tsuchiya

The women above are people who I look to as my inspiration for fashion. I love their styles, and despite the differences in their fashion sense, they all have something that I like and something that sets them apart from each other and they are all fashionable women. 

You’re probably like, “Wait. I thought you were talking about Gyaru fashion? What does Twiggy have to do with that?” I’m getting there! Hold your horses! Lol. What I’m trying to say is, as much as I like Gyaru fashion, I do not know if I will do it justice. However, I do still like looking at the style. My favorite is the Gyaru-kei! Mostly because I love visual kei style. x)
I should definitely close my entry. It’s 10:58pm here in Michigan and I want to finish at least two chapters of my novel today, since I didn’t do one yesterday. D:
For those who are interested in following my novel blog, you can find it under my “Links” on the the sidebar of this blog. For the lazy people, click this link —->  Click Me~

Saiya – “Breeze

How do you format your novel?

Lately, I’ve been wondering how should I type my novel chapters. Sometimes, I may have my chapters in separate documents and then combine then together once I complete all the chapters. Then there are other novels where I type all the chapters into one large document. Should I type the title page and copyright page? Would it just be easier to type everything into one document? These are the questions I ask myself before typing my chapters. 

Currently, I’m getting ready to start typing chapter one of Raison D’etre. I am still in the process of hand-writing the chapter outlines, but I wanted to start on chapter one to get it out of the way. However, I don’t know rather should I type all the chapters in one document or separate. 
Everyone has their own methods, but what are your methods when writing/typing your novels? 

30 Days of Character Development (Day 29)

Hello everyone! Just one more day of this meme and we will be complete! Today’s question is quite strange, but it does let you know what the character would smell like!

Day  29: How does your character smell? Do they wear perfume or cologne?

  1. Molly: She would have nature smell of something that would be referred to as lovely and soothing. She doesn’t wear any perfume. To give an example of this smell, I imagine it would be similar to how a baby smells, (baby lotion, baby powder) something like that.
  2. Roman: He has a man’s man smell. He doesn’t smell bad, somewhat similar to the Axe smell. 
  3. Haine: He has a fresh, clean scent. 
  4. Aero: Originally, I pictured Aero to smell very badly due to where he comes from (the Underworld, which has an horrible smell like sulfur, and rotten meat). Aero was supposed to have that smell and only worked on changing his smell because Molly would always comment on how badly he smelled. However, I decided to change his smell from bad smelling to something of a strong cologne smell. 
  5. Murdoc: I don’t picture him having any particular type of smell. I’ll have to come back to him later.
  6. Gideon: Just like Roman, he has a man’s man smell. A calming, yet alluring fragrance. I would picture him to smell like the Axe cologne for men.
It was very difficult for me to describe the smells of the character. At first, I was interested in this question, but once I came to the question I didn’t realize how hard it would be for me. D: Tomorrow is the final day everyone! Hopefully, I’ll actually post the entry tomorrow. XD 

My Influenster Voxbox came!

✿ Influenster 

Confession. The Voxbox didn’t come today…it actually came a week ago. However! I am finally going to blog a bit about it. What is influenster? It is a website that sends you free products, from makeup to even snacks. Is there a catch? You know there is always a catch when the word “free” is involved. So, just what is this catch? It is product reviewing. Yep. That’s all. All you have to do is review the products they send you  through blogging or making a Youtube video. My method of course is blogging. If you review the products, they will continue to send you more free stuff, just as along as you review.

I came across this website when I was searching for something, I forgot what it was. D: Anyhow, it led me to Influenster. When you sign up for the website, you are asked to take a few surveys. You can take as many as you want, so you can be eligible for a voxbox. A voxbox is the box you will receive with products you are to review. In order to get the voxbox, you have to take the surveys so you can be chosen for the voxbox.

For my Spring voxbox, this is what I was sent inside the box. 

( ✖‿✖ )
I plan on reviewing the these products soon~! For now, this is it!
Until next time~! ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ)

30 Days of Character Development (Day 28)

Hello everyone~! We have reached day 28! Today is all about genre, which I hope you all will enjoy! It won’t be as fully detailed as previous questions have been.

Day 28: If your character’s life was a genre, what would it be?

  1. Molly: Her life would be a mixture of drama, action/adventure and romance. 
  2. Roman: Romance, action/martial arts and comedy would be his life’s genre. It fits him perfectly. 
  3. Haine: His life would be a mixture of action, drama, suspense, thriller and mild romance. 
  4. Aero: Due to his personality, his life genres would be horror, thriller, and action. 
  5. Murdoc: Psychological thriller, adventure and comedy. 
  6. Gideon: His would be very close to Aero’s genres, filled with psychological thriller, suspense, drama, action and mystery. 
Well there you have it everyone! Today’s question of the day was very short, but it did let you know a bit of what type of person the character is just by the genre they would be apart of. Tomorrow’s question will be very interesting. Why? Because it deals with one of the five senses, which is smell. Stay tuned for tomorrow’s question!


I’m not dead. Don’t worry. I haven’t updated this blog in ages it seems like. In reality, only a few weeks, lol. I’ve missed three Naruto manga reviews, a few Fan-Fiction Sunday features and other reviews that I planned on doing. For that, I am terribly sorry! Please forgive me! 😦

Anyways, hopefully I’ll be able to update this blog soon! I have downloaded some new anime that I plan to review. So, once again. I’m sorry and I leave you with this sad, but yet funny Bolin animated gif. XD

30 Days of Character Development (Day 27)

I have already missed a few days of this, but instead of doing Day 27, 28 and 29 all into this entry, I decided just to do day 27. Basically, if I did everything on time today would have been the final day…I think. This question wasn’t exactly difficult, but I was slightly lazy to type a reason for why I choose the song. (Most likely because I am tired now, lol) Anyways, here is day 27! Enjoy.
Day 27: Pick two songs that describe your character at two different points in their life, and explain why you chose them.
  1. Molly: Her songs would be “Wires” by Athlete and “Hero” by Skillet. The reason why I chose “Wires” is because when I listen to that song, I always pictured it being a moment between Haine parts his ways from Molly for a while, but although Molly misses him, it wouldn’t steer her focus from what she needs to do. “Hero” matches Molly because in the story she is the Hero and although in the beginning she didn’t want anything to do with the title of being the Asa, deep down she knew that there was no way to escape her destiny. No matter what happens, Molly is ready to fight for her city and to give her life just to protect it and those who are close to her. 
“Wires” Athlete
“Hero” Skillet

  1. Roman: His two songs would be “I’m Sexy and I know it” by LMFAO and “Chances” by Athlete. The first song would be Roman’s theme song. He has a huge ego and loves to be admired by women, and knows that they are watching him, and that he is good-looking. It’s basically a pun for his character. The reason why I chose “Chances” for him is because Roman is a person who doesn’t take enough chances with the one he truly loves. He tends to joke around a lot with her and if he took the chance, it probably would have been him who Molly falls for and not Haine. 

“Sexy and I know it” LMFAO
“Chances” Athlete
  1. Haine: The song for Haine would be “Crawling” by Linkin Park and “Far Away” by Nickleback. The reason why I chose the first song is because Haine did not have such a good past when he was younger. There is a side of him that he can barely control and he wants to be able to control it, but has a hard time doing it without the help of Aero. “Far Away” deals with his relationship with Molly. The two will form quite the bond and basically that he cares about her a lot. 
“Crawling” Linkin Park
“Far Away” Nickleback
  1. Aero: “Room of Angels” by Akira Yamaoka/Porcelain and The Tramps and “Unknown Soldier” by Breaking Benjamin. The reason why I chose the first song because because it fits Aero’s character very well. He is someone who doesn’t care for people, or how they feel. He only cares about himself and Haine’s safety. The second song also matches Aero’s character very well, which is why I choose it, because it shows that no matter what as long as Haine is safe he could care less about anything else. 
“Room of Angels” Akira  Yamaoka/Porcelain
“Unknown Soldier” Breaking Benjamin
  1. Murdoc: He is someone who I can see having instrumental songs, rather than actually songs with words. One song I can see as is theme song is “Requiem for a Dream” by Clint Mansell and “Half Man” by Threshold. The reasons why I chose the both of these songs is because they fit perfectly with Murdoc and his personality. Despite being a lazy man, he is very wise and strong, which is what I think about whenever I listen to these songs.
“Requiem for a Dream” Clint Mansell
“Half Man” Threshold
  1. Gideon: I had to choose three songs for him. His songs would be “Easier to Run” by Linkin Park, “Breaking the Habit” by Linkin Park and “Numb” by Linkin Park. Yes, all of the songs are by Linkin Park. Why? Because their lyrics match well with Gideon’s life and personality. Gideon has been through a lot in his life that turned him into the bitter person he is today. He has suffered a lot during his childhood and all of these songs represent him very well. 
“Easier to Run” Linkin  Park
“Breaking the Habit” Linkin Park
“Numb” Linkin Park

If you guys knew how long this really took me to type, you would be surprised! I tell you, distractions can be deadly, lol. I’m glad to be finally finished with this entry! I’d admit in the beginning, I wasn’t too thrilled to typed an explanation for each song, but I did, which resulted in being quite fun! I hoped that everyone enjoyed this entry! We are days behind in this meme, so be on the look out for tomorrow’s question!