Monthly Archives: April 2012

30 Days of Character Development (Day 14)

Today’s question will be brief. Just as brief as yesterday’s question, and once again I failed to update this blog on time. D: I think I have the time set on a certain timezone, so for me it will show that I actually did update on time, lol. Anyways, let’s get started with today’s question!

Day 14: How does your character react to temperature changes such as extreme heat and cold?

  1. Molly, Roman & Murdoc: All three of these characters live in a city that is mostly warm throughout the year. They would not be used to extreme cold weather, and would react 
  2. Aero, Haine & Gideon: The three of these characters all live within another city that is common to experience most of the weather changes that is common. However, Aero is always displeased with humid weather and prefers cold weather, compared to Haine and Gideon, who prefers warm weather.
Sorry for the shortness of today’s question. It’s currently extremely early in the morning and I’m super tired. D: Anyways, be on the look out for tomorrow question~ πŸ™‚

30 Days of Character Development (Day 13)

I’m late once again for this entry. Luckily, I remembered to catch myself so I can finish today’s question of the day! Today’s entry will be very short and brief, due to the question at hand. Please enjoy!

Day 12: What does your character’s bed look like when he/she wakes up? Are the covers off on one side of the bed, are they all curled around a pillow, sprawled everywhere? In what position might they sleep?

  1. Molly: She would definitely be a character that would have the bedhead look in the mornings. Molly is the type who sleeps in one position the entire night, on her left side. 
  2. Roman: Another character who would have bedhead in the mornings. Roman is a wild sleeper, who sometimes might end up on the floor in the mornings. 
  3. Haine: When waking in the mornings, Haine is very grouchy (much like Aero). He always has a very irritated look on his face. The majority of the time, Haine sleeps on his stomach, with his head turned to the right side.
  4. Aero: He is another character that would have an extreme case of bedhead. Aero is a wild sleeper and sometimes may wake up with half of his body on the bed and the other half on off the bed. 
  5. Murdoc: Most wouldn’t think it, but Murdoc is a wild sleeper and tends to talk in his sleep. He is constantly sleeping in various positions at night and tends to wake up with a mild case of bedhead.
  6. Gideon: He tends to wake up looking fairly normal, besides the look of annoyance on his features (due to not being a morning person) and a small case of bedhead. He sleeps on his back, but will wake up on his left side. 
Well there you have it folks! Day 13 in a nutshell. I hope you enjoyed it and stay tuned for day 14 tomorrow!

Naruto Chapter 584 Review

Naruto Chapter 584 Review
Picture from Mangahere

What’s that? I think…wait, could it be? I think it is. Yep, it is. It’s another flashback chapter! I know fans are completely hating all the flashbacks, but I’m not that much bothered by it. Why? Because we are getting to find out more details about Kabuto’s past. However, there is apart of me that’s thinking, 

“Okay, I’m ready to get back to the fight now.” 

Sadly, this will be another week of waiting. Not to mention, Golden Week is next week I believe, so that means no Naruto next week. (I think, I could be wrong, but I do know it’s coming up soon) Basically this entire chapter was a lot of scenes between Kabuto and Orichimaru, and how Kabuto turned out to be who he is today.
One of the basics themes of this chapter is Kabuto trying to find himself and if he isn’t happy with what he has, then just add new things to it. Something that Orochimaru taught him. I think that Kishimoto is leading up to Kabuto’s death. I honestly believe that during his fight with Sasuke and Itachi, he might die. My original thoughts were that maybe Sasuke and Naruto would go up against Kabuto, or maybe just Naruto by himself, but Kishimoto totally threw my assumptions out the window when the Uchiha brothers were fighting against Kabuto. This is a very short review for me this week, mostly because there isn’t much to talk about for this chapter. Judging by how this chapter ended, maybe, just maybe the next chapter will continue off where we left off from the start. That is if Kishimoto doesn’t decide to switch the scenery back to the Kages fighting Madara or Naruto fighting Tobi and the other tailed beasts. We’ll just have to wait and see. 

30 Days of Character Development (Day 12)

Okay! I’m totally late for day 12! D: I was at the casino and I came back late. So I’m trying to hurry with this question! Please enjoy it. πŸ™‚

Day 12: How is your character with technology? Super savvy, or or way behind the times? Letters or email?

  1. Molly & Roman: Due to living in a city that is without technology, Roman and Molly are way behind in times. Neither of the duo know what a television is or a computer, let alone what an email is. They are always amazed when seeing technology, yet sometimes frightened depending on what it is.
  2. Murdoc: Despite being a leader of a city without technology, Murdoc is highly advanced in intelligence, due to being an omniscience. He knows what technology is and would know how to use it when needed to.
  3. Haine & Aero: These two are very savvy with technology and are often using technology in the city where they are from. However, sometimes Aero can become frustrated with certain technological things, but he can be a quick learner. 
  4. Gideon: Being the leader of a city filled with advanced technology, Gideon knows his way around most technology and is very smart when dealing with it.
That’s it for today’s question! Stay on the look out for tomorrow’s question! I hope you enjoyed today! πŸ™‚ 

30 Days of Character Development (Day 11)

Today’s question will be very short in detail due to the question being something that I can’t elaborate a lot on because it isn’t much to say for it. Besides that, I hope everyone enjoys reading it!

Day 11: Is there an animal you equate with your character?

  1. Molly: I would consider Molly a panda bear. I have no reason, only for the pure fact that pandas are Molly’s favorite animals.
  2. Roman: I would compare him to a dog, due to his loyal nature when it comes to his friends. He can be very protective whenever it comes to Molly or Murdoc and would do anything to keep them out of harms way.
  3. Haine: Hm…, I don’t really have any animal that would be similar to Haine’s character. Probably any animal that is considered mysterious would be the perfect fit for Haine, due to his mysterious personality.
  4. Aero: I would like to describe Aero as a wolf, because he can be quite territorial, yet very loyal to his closest friend, which is Haine. 
  5. Murdoc: An owl. I chose this because owls are considered to be wise animals, and Murdoc is one of the smartest characters in the series. 
  6. Gideon: A bear would be similar to his character, due to his solitary personality. 
And there you have it everyone! Day 11 in a nutshell. I hoped you enjoyed it, and please look out for day 12 tomorrow! πŸ™‚

30 Days of Character Development (Day 10)

Today’s question made me really think. This character development meme can be very helpful when developing your characters. Although my characters are already developed, these questions help develop them even more. I hope everyone enjoys today’s question! Forgive me ahead of time by my vagueness with some of the characters answers. 

Day 10: Can you define a turning point in your character’s life?

  1. Molly: The turning point in her life is when she was chosen to become the new healer, known as the Asa (one of the most powerful healers known). Although, Molly didn’t want to become the Asa but destiny has a way of not leaving her side. 
  2. Roman: I hadn’t really thought of a turning point in his life. In truth, Roman is the only “normal” main characters of the story. By normal, I mean that he doesn’t have any special abilities that would make him unique like everyone else. I suppose for now (until I can think of something better), the turning point for him would be when he realized he has a rival when concerning Molly. 
  3. Haine: The turning point in his life is when he met Aero as a child. 
  4. Aero: He never really had a turning point in his life that holds a huge impact. However, if I could pick anything, it would most likely be when when he first came to the human world because he had to make adjustments and follow the common rules of this world that he was not used to from his world. It took some used for him to understand, and he still sometimes doesn’t, but this would be the only turning point for him.
  5. Murdoc: The turning point For Murdoc would be the moment he was declared the leader of his city. This was the day he had to make decisions he didn’t want to in order to protect the city. Not that he didn’t want to protect the city. There is a reason behind this answer which I can’t reveal without spoiling the series. 
  6. Gideon: The day he realized what his parents really thought of him. 
I hoped everyone enjoyed today’s question! I already have a few questions that I can’t wait to answers, mostly day 12, 28 and 29. I find day 29 to be funny, especially for Aero, lol. Anyways, stay tuned for day 11! Thank you for reading. πŸ™‚

30 Days of Character Development (Day 9)

Today’s question is a very good one! I hope everyone enjoys it. πŸ™‚

Day 9: Who does your character trust?

  1. Molly: She trust Roman. She has known him since her childhood and always values his opinion more than anyone else. Whenever she is in need of advice or help, the first person she seeks out if him. The two have a very close bond that is unbreakable. 
  2. Roman: For him, it is a toss up between Murdoc and Molly. Since the passing of his father, Murdoc has always been there for him, but Molly has as well. If you were to ask Roman who does he trust more between the two, he would reply by saying that he can’t choose because he values both Murdoc and Molly so much in his life and he trusts them both equally. 
  3. Haine: Aero is the number one person Haine trust and just so happens that Aero is the only person who can control Haine in his Nero State. Aero has been his friend since he was a child. He looks up to him and views him as his older brother figure. He does trust Molly, but he puts his trust in Aero first.
  4. Aero: He only trusts one person and one people only. That is Haine. Aero would trust him with his life if he had to. 
  5. Murdoc: He puts a lot of his trust in Roman, Molly and all of the citizens of his city. 
  6. Gideon: He has a lot of trust related problems, therefore Gideon has a hard time putting trust into people. He currently only trust no one but himself.
Well that was Day 9 everyone! I enjoyed answering this question. Stay tuned for tomorrow’s question! See you then. πŸ™‚

30 Days of Character Development (Day 8)

The days are quickly moving along everything. We are already on day 8! Today’s question doesn’t really apply to my characters, but I decided to answer it anyways just for fun. So, please enjoy!

Day 8: Day of favorites! What is your characters favorite ice cream? Color? Song? Flower?

  1. Molly: Her favorite color would be yellow and her favorite flowers are Chinese plum. She has never had ice cream before, but even if she had, Molly wouldn’t like it because she doesn’t like sweets.
  2. Roman: Although he would not admit it aloud, his favorite flower would be the red lily canna. His favorite color would be green.
  3. Murdoc: He shares the same favorite flower as Roman and his favorite color is gold. 
  4. Aero: He isn’t very fond of flowers, because he does not like the smell. His favorite colors are black and white. He doesn’t listen to music, but if he were Aero would be the type who likes to listen to Rock music and secretly listen to pop.
  5. Haine: He has a huge sweet tooth and would love ice cream. His favorite flavor would be strawberry. His favorite color is blue and his favorite flowers are the white roses. 
  6. Gideon: His favorite flavor of ice cream would be peach. His favorite color would be silver, while his favorite flower would be lavender heather. He wouldn’t have a favorite song.
Well that was it for today! Thank you for reading and I hope everyone enjoyed today’s question. πŸ™‚ Be on the look out for Day 9. ^^

Better Off Dead – Fan Fiction Sunday

Better Off Dead
Picture is from an artist on dA. I forgot their name since I got this picture from Tumblr D:
First off, allow me to say that Fan Fiction Sundays are very biased days. In other words, I only feature fanfics that are Hinata centered and fanfics from my favorite list on 

Moving along. 
Better Off Dead” is a fan fiction by the author WingedMercury. I have been following this story since it was first submitted, and I absolutely love it!  This is the summary of the story:

When Hinata leaves Konoha, heartbroken but resolute, the last person she expects to see over the rim of her porcelain tea cup is the last Uchiha, whose blood and guts and flesh she saw explode like fireworks in the last war. She yelps, spitting hot tea all over his shirt. “You look like you’ve just seen a ghost,” he smirks, and Hinata thinks that some people are just better off dead.”

It’s one of the best stories I’ve read in awhile on the site and one of my favorite. I don’t want to give away too much of the story by rambling on and on about it, which I would mostly likely do. Let’s just say that if you are a SasuHina fan you will appreciate this story to its utmost fullest! I would definitely recommend this as a read. So, please go check it out! The link to the story and author are listed below.

Better Off Dead (Author —> WingedMercury)

My fanfiction account —> Hinata6

This was supposed to be posted on Sunday, but I forgot to post it. D:

30 Days Character Development. (Day 7)

Today’s question is very hard for me to answer, especially for Gideon’s answer. So, forgive ahead of time if I am extremely vague with their answers.

Day 7: Is there one event or happening your character would like to erase from their past? Why?

Molly: I really cannot give away her even without spoiling the beginning chapters of the book. D:

Roman: If there is anything Roman would like to erase from his past it’s the

Haine: Haine is a very tough person, but as a child, he was prone to bullying. It happened so often that he started to withdraw from people. If he could, Haine would like to erase all of the pain that was inflicted on him as a child all due to bullying. It is memories he wished that he did not have.

Aero: Although he loved his mother, he would like to erase all the memories of her because it brings him pain.

Mudroc: Murdoc has not moments in his life he would like to erase. He cherishes every moment in his life and tends to learn from his mistakes.

Gideon: An event took place in his past in which he, still to this day, wishes that he could erase from his memory.

Sorry today was so short. Tomorrow’s question is very…strange, at least to me it is, mostly because it does not relate to my characters in any form, but I will answer the question anyways, lol. I found another 30-day meme for characters that I might do for my Smoking Bandit story, but I’ll save that meme for next month.

Btw, Sheena-Kay, sorry I have yet to respond back to your comments. I am currently without internet and I’m not sure how to reply back via the mobile Blogger app I downloaded. D: Once my internet is back working, I will reply to you! πŸ™‚