Monthly Archives: March 2012

Name Change

I’m thinking about changing my blogger name. As much as I like Panda Ninja, I’ve been thinking about other names I could go by. Or maybe I should stick by my name…it’s really a tough decision. @o@

The majority of names I have come up with either have “Canna” or “Chou” in the title.

Do you think I should keep my name or think or a different one?


This picture has nothing to do with the entry. I just like it, plus I’m a fan of Naruto!;3;
Thinking of a good name can be frustrating >_<

Welcome to Nintastic’s Blog!

This website is currently under construction. Edit (4/2/12): Hello everyone~! Welcome to Nintastic Reviewer. A few days ago, I started thinking to myself about making a new blog and I thought, “Hey! Why not make an anime reviewing blog?” I know there are probably already a lot of sites like there out there. So what makes mine different from the rest? Not only will I be reviewing anime, but I will also give the latest on upcoming anime, character profiles, recommendations, interactions with the blog owner, polls, anime of the week, anime products, anime songs (OP/Endings), watch anime episodes, anime fan fictions, AMVs, and much more! I’m going to try my hardest to update this blog  once/or twice every week. If you have an anime you would like me to review, I’d be gladly willing to review it! I’m a bit biased with what I watch >o> I am willing to admit that, because of my picky taste with anime in general. However, I feel as though making this site it will help me write reviews much better, and give me a chance to watch other anime that I have never watched/or heard of before. Each week will be categorized a different themed anime for that special week. For example, next week could be reviews about “Samurai Champloo” and the following week could be about AMVs, so on. There will also be reviews on manga, and comparisons between manga and anime (ex. Cowboy Bebop anime vs. Cowboy Bebop manga).  
I really hope that everyone enjoys this website! Don’t be afraid to leave a comment or follow the blog if you’ll like. If you have any suggestions, comments or anything of the such you may contact me via: 

Japanese Fashion Blog and Anime Blog?

Okay, I’m a huge fan of Japan’s fashion, particularly gyaru/gal-shibuya-kei and classic lolita fashion. There are so many fashion sites geared these styles, such as, PopTeen, Ranzuki, Egg, Mary Magdalene, and so on. So, I’m in the process of thinking rather or not should I make a Japanese fashion blog.

The blog will mostly feature various looks that interest me, look of the week, trend of the season, certain looks vs. another look, celebrities in Japan (actors, singers and so on), polls and etc. This has been something I have been wanting to do for a while now, but I haven’t due to wondering if I had the actual guts to do it. Yes, I am slightly nervous about making a fashion blog. For me, fashion is something that I like when it comes to a style I’m fond of, but my wardrobe is anything but fashionable. T^T Despite this, I know a good look when I see it! 

Everyone who knows me, knows that I am a fan of anime and manga, especially the above picture of Nana (which happens to be both one of my favorite anime and manga). I was thinking, maybe I should make a anime/manga review blog. Having discussions about various anime and manga that I have read and plan to read, also maybe some anime products as well. This would be very easy for me to write about and I’d have no problem doing so, plus it would help me learn how to write better reviews. 

Currently, I am managing three blogs, all are under my name Panda Ninja. I would be keeping my name, but if I do happen to change the name, it would be Momo Canna. That is also my Formspring username. Momo means peach in Japanese, and the word Canna is apart of a lily flower (ex. yellow lily canna, white lily canna, red lily canna, so on). Plus, I also use the word “canna” apart of my name ^^; 

I did have a facebook, which was also name “Brittney Canna”, but I deactivated it. Brittney is my real name, though. As you can see there are a lot of the same usernames being used, but mostly all ending with the word “canna”. XD

Anyways, I’m straying off topic ^^; Even though, I have three blogs already, (ambw/asian related, novel, and personal blog) I really want to make these two blogs >3< That will be five blogs to manage! Will I be up for it? Mostly likely it’ll take me awhile to get it started up, but I’ll be ready for it. I plan on setting up the blogs this weekend, and when I post my first entry for them I’ll be sure to post a entry in all three of my current blogs to alert my readers! 

Any suggestions for good titles for these blogs?


Type, type, type and more typing! Lately, I’ve been going, well trying to go, on a typing frenzy! It feels like I have so much at hand to finish, when actuality I don’t. There are three things that I have to complete. 
  1. My five page observation paper for my Anthropology class, which is due on the 1st.
  2. Comic script for an upcoming one-shot comic that I’ve been working on with an artist.
  3. Chapter outlines for my Smoking Bandit story.
I haven’t even started on my paper for my anthropology class yet! I’ve been procrastinating when I should have been finished it weeks ago! As for the comic script, I told the artist that I should have it finished by the end of this weekend, which happens to be the same day my paper is due. The script should not require much time to complete, since it is a one shot. However, I have been stuck on certain parts, but I am hoping to have finished it before then, at least by Saturday. 
The chapter outline currently only has three chapters completed, and I’m working on chapter four outline now.  Honestly, I’m on the fence when it comes to how long I plan for this novel to be. The chapters are kind of short, so I was thinking it may turn out to be a book with short length chapters and have over 40 chapters. Then, I started thinking that maybe it could be a series, but I’m trying not to think that far ahead because I don’t want to distract myself by thinking too much and then next thing I know, I’ll loose interest in the story all together. 
All this writing typing has it’s ups and downs, but I’m trying not to stress myself about it, which I tend to do sometimes. 
For a little inspiration to help me with writing my stories, I tend to listen to the same songs. The songs that I listen to are listed below.
Breaking Benjamin – Unknown Soldier
Breaking Benjamin – What Lies Beneath
Red – Already Over
Linkin Park – Easier To Run
Enya – May It Be
Brian Reitzell – DayBreak
Submersed – Hollow
There are a few other songs that I listen to that help me write, but that is generally what I listen to. Each one of these songs that I listed always give me more ideas, which is why I refer to it as my “novel music”. Do you have any songs that you listen to that help you focus? Or maybe you have something else that helps you to focus. 
Music has always been my key inspiration for writing, which is why I love listening to my favorite songs very often. 
I’m hoping to finish my five page paper sometime tonight, if not tonight then tomorrow. As long as I’m not rushing myself to finish it on the day it’s due, then I’ll be fine. ^^; 
Fanfiction world has taken a backseat for me, as I stated in a few entries ago about my muse for fanfics. I told myself, and another author on FF that I would update my stories on Sunday (last Sunday) and I never did it @o@ I honestly did start working on one story, but I stopped and decided to work on something else. Dx On FF, I made a poll asking people if they even still read my entries. The poll is a blind one, but I can see the votes via my account. The majority of votes, readers wish that I would update my stories. I feel so bad for leaving people hanging. Sometimes, I just don’t feel like writing them. 
Yesterday, I read that a real writer will continue to write even if they don’t want to. Not just when they feel a spark of inspiration. 
I’ll admit, sometimes I do write only when I feel that inspiration hit me, even though that inspiration doesn’t last for very long. Sometimes only a few hours and then it’s gone! 
On a sidebar, this is unrelated to this entry, but the reason why I title my entries for this blog with numbers is because I’m horrible with coming up with titles for my entries. It’s much easier for me to number them instead. 
That’s just a small little fact that I wanted to share. ^^
Back on track! I’m going to stop working on my chapter outlines for right now, to start on my class assignment, so I can get that out of the way~! 
I’m thinking about also showing the character profiles of a few characters from my novel, so you guys can know who the characters are of the Smoking Bandit story! It will be some time for that because I’m in the process of commission an artist to draw all the characters. 🙂

Walking Dead season Finale! Whoa.

Can I just say…wow! And I thought the Dale episode was the best episode of the season!The last two episodes were by far the best! I know that I’m very late in discussing the recent episodes, but I’ve been busy and didn’t get a chance to watch the episodes until today! What can I say, lol.

Anyways, getting back to what I was saying. The episodes were really intense! Let’s talk about Shane for a bit.

Shane has changed progressively over the seasons until he reached his very demise in the recent episodes. 
What confused me was the fact that Shane was not bitten or scratched. He was stabbed in the heart and then shortly after his death he turned into a Walker. I was sitting there watching it like…”Huh? Wait. What is going on?” I was so lost! @o@ To be honest, I really liked Shane’s character, despite his craziness. I wasn’t ready to see him die just yet. I expected to see him make it until the end. Shane’s character really was killed off in the first chapter in the comic, but he survived longer on the show. He did stir up the drama, but I just liked him so much! ;3; Sadly, his death didn’t have the same impact to me as Dale’s death had. I think the only character whose death will get to me like Dale’s death is Glenn. I hope he doesn’t die! I’d hate to see that happen. >_<
R.I.P Shane.

Now, moving on to Rick! He is another person who has been slowly changing within this recent season. He went from a guy who had high standing morals to…well, almost another Shane, if not worst. In my opinion. He killed two men, when he used to say all the time before,”We don’t kill the living!” and then when Dale questioned him about it, Rick merely made the statement that things are changed. And what even made things worst to me is when he killed Shane by stabbing him in the heart. 

I couldn’t find a decent picture of the actual part him killing Shane, so the first picture will do since it’s the same scene. Anyways, Rick’s change is slowly affecting the now “broken” group. He confessed by yelling at everyone that he killed Shane, not only shocking everyone, but Carl cried. I have a feeling no one will trust him after that incident. 
All in favor as Daryl as new leader, say I. 

I know what you are probably thinking. “Huh? No way!” But, I think Daryl would make a great leader for the group! He has been overlooked, treated as Rick’s new “henchmen” words from Carol in the last episode. He normally is in the background of things and doesn’t say too much when it regards what he is thinking and tends to only say something depending on the situation or if someone asks. I believe if Daryl becomes more vocal, he’ll make an excellent choice for leader. If not him then…well, on second hand, just Daryl. I think Second in command could be someone like T-Dog, who is someone I tend to forget is even on the show half of the time >_<Give the guy more screen time! I would say Andrea would also make a good second in command, but Andrea was left behind because they assume she is dead! And Rick stated that if she is still alive she wouldn’t be where everyone left her and it wouldn’t make sense to go back for her. Don’t get me wrong, I think Rick is a great leader, but as of lately his choices and actions can be questioned.

Edit: 3/30/12: Okay, I made a big mistake when I said that! I’ve never read the comic before, so I was just going by what I watch on AMC, but after reading the character profiles last night I realized…maybe Daryl isn’t a good choice for leader. ^^; I really need to read the comic…

I’m really really anxious for the next season because I want to know who the person is who saved Andrea. The person reminded me of some sort of Samurai Ninja or something the way she swung the sword and even carrying around Walkers like some sort of pets! 
I could type on and on about the last two episodes, but it’s late right now and I’m tired, ^^; I sort of sense some Daryl/Carol going on o.o; or it could be my imagination. Also, at first I wasn’t into the Glenn and Maggie relationship, but I’m more inclined to it now. That doesn’t mean that I still don’t wish a new girl shows up and likes Glenn…because I do >_> But Glenn seems faithful, so I wouldn’t want any discomfort or stress to be added on for him, lol. 
What did you think about the last two episodes? Or the entire season? Any thoughts on Rick’s change? Shane’s death? Andrea’s separation from the group? The mysterious sword lady? Anything you’d like to talk about feel free to do so. Anonymous comments are welcomes as they always are!
I just know whatever happens in the next season, I don’t want to see Glenn die ;3; He is my favorite on the show >3<
I so have a celebrity crush on Steven Yeun. He’s just so cute! ;3;
Although he was born in Korea, he was raised in the same city as me~!
☆*:.。. o()o .。.:*
Also please check out The Blasian Narrative‘s blog about the sword-wielding new character! 

Dazzle Vision and my-Butterfly!

Has anyone heard of the jrock band “Dazzle Vision”? If not, allow me to introduce you to one of their songs!

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Yesterday, I was listening one of their songs that I really like. So I decided to tweet to them that I was a fan, and look what happened!

Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

I was so happy they replied back! If you have not heard of them please check them out. Dazzle Vision is a very talented group with a talented vocalist!

Another band that I am fond of replied back to me as well once. Their name is my-Butterfly! The staff of the group follows me on Twitter and will often retweet or respond back to me if I mention the group. The lead singer Chiaki responded back to me once before as well! Below is a picture of my-Butterfly

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

The vocalist of this group is also very talented as well. I admire both Chiaki and Maiko voices >3<! I was reading in a interview once that Maiko is a fan of anime just like I am, and it made me wonder what could be her favorite one.

Please support both groups if you are a fan of jpop/jrock! They are both very talented groups which I really like~!

Now only if Miyavi, Ayumi or Steven Yeun would tweet/retweet/ or follow me >3> That would make my day ;3; 


Had anyone ever heard of the website Figment? It’s a writing site that I recently discovered. It’s been around since 2010, I believe. Harper Collins has partnered with this website as well, which I find to be encouraging because writers have the chance to have Harper Collins review their stories, if it gains enough attention that is.

Lately, I have been looking for a website that I will be able to receive feedback for my original works. My original plan was to sign up for WattPad, but when I found Figment, I decided to go with that website instead.

Years ago, I was on FictionPress. The only thing about this site is that I never uploaded any of my stories because I was afraid of someone stealing my work o.o…I still fear that, but I really would like feedback, which is why I’m trying to break out of that >_< Here is my old FictionPress account: Hinata6 Pretty empty, isn’t it? Lol. Now, I have a Figment profile, that also does not have anything uploaded, but I plan to upload stories soon. 

You can find my Figment account here: Figment And for the first time I used my real name. I normally add the word “canna” to the end of most of my usernames. Canna is word that is apart of a flower that I am fond of. During my youth, I was never particularly fond of flowers, with the exception of a few. The Lily Canna flowers are very pretty to me, especially the White Lily Canna’s and Yellow Lily Canna’s. How I first derived the name, is when I was searching for names for one of my characters and I thought the name “Canna” was unique. ^^

Does anyone else have any writing sites that they are apart of? Or maybe you are apart of Figment as well. Please don’t be afraid to comment. I reply back to all my comments. 🙂

Fanfiction, anyone?

I’ve been writing fanfiction since 2005. In the very beginning, I did not like fanfiction. I didn’t see the point of it. However after reading a NaruHina fan-fic titled “Two Halves” back in 2005, I fell in love with the concept of creating stories from your favorite anime, movie, book and so on. So I became reading various fanfiction, (mostly Naruto and Inuyasha). During this time I was only reading NaruHina when it came to Naruto fanfiction, I never thought of the idea of SasuHina until in a NaruHina story I was reading, someone made Sasuke have feelings for Hinata. I thought to myself “Hm. That’s different, I think I’ll try that.”And I did. I made my very first SasuHina fanfic and everything went from there.

From that moment, I have created forty-four various fan-fics. The majority of those 44 stories are SasuHina or HinataxPairing related and even a few yaoi stories that I made by request.

So anyways the point of this entry is that, I’m wondering if anyone else writes or perhaps read fanfiction on My fanfiction muse has been hanging on for dear life, because I don’t have that boost I used to have when writing fanfics. I still enjoy reading them, but typing them have been “meh” for me lately.

In case anyone is curious of my fanfiction profile, you can find it here: My name is Hinata6 on FF.

Excerpt from "Smoking Bandit"

Now before I show the excerpt, I would like to say the “Smoking Bandit” is not the title. I have no title for it just yet. However, smoking bandit is in deep relation with one of the main characters. Everything you see typed in this entry is © by meAll rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, by photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the author.

Harley turned to face her savior. “Thank you for saving me. I really owe you.” She said. However, the man turned his back on her and began walking. “Hey! I’m trying to thank you!” She ran to catch up with the man.
“You said your thanks. What more do you want from me?” He said.
She parted her lips to speak but stopped. The man’s red hair reminded her of a picture of a man on the most wanted poster she saw in the city. Her eyes widened in realization. “Wait, I know you. You are the Smoking Bandit!” As soon as those words left her lips, the man stopped. Harley grinned in achievement. “Axel Edge. Age twenty-one. One of the most wanted criminals of District 13’s history, recognizable by his flaming blood red hair and his chain smoking habits. People refer to you as the Smoking Bandit. You know, you have quite the bounty on your head.”
Axel lowered the scarf revealing his tan and flawless features. His eyes observed her for a moment before speaking. “So you are aware of who I am. What is it that you intend to do, little girl?”
“I’ll have you know that I am nineteen years old! I am not a child.” She crossed her arms defiantly. Harley was quite short for her age, and her features gave her the appearance of a young child. It irritated her for others to consider her as an adolescent. “What I intend on doing is turning you in to the officials and collect the reward money.”
Amusement appeared in his amber irises. “You couldn’t even protect yourself against those inconsequential men, and you expect me to think you can take me on?” Axel laughed in mockery. “Please do not waste my time, girl.” He turned away.
Growling in contempt, Harley quickly walked ahead of the man, holding her arms out blocking his path. “Please, just wait. I have a proposal for you.”
“Go on.”
“I have heard all the tales about you from the cyber paper and the news headlines. I also know just how strong you are and what your strengths are. There is a man who I am looking for. However, I am in need of assistance in finding this man,” she twirled the end of her black hair nervously. “I need you to become my hired gun!” She added determination spiraled within her cerulean eyes.
Axel stared blankly at the shorter girl. “No.”
“I said no. Do you need me to spell it out for you? N-O spells no. I am a criminal. Not only that, one of the most wanted criminals. Why would I want to help a child on some adventure when you can easily ask District 13 officials?” He pulled out a cigarette from his jacket along with a lighter. Lighting the stick, he placed it between his lips. His eyes glanced over at Harley, noticing that she was still watching him. She looked on the verge of tears. He inhaled. “Listen kid, my answer is no. You should head back home before those unconscious men wake up and chase you again. You proved yourself to be weak and I will not take the time to help you for a second time.”
“I told you, I’m not a child! Nor am I weak.” She pulled a knife from the holster strapped on her leg. Angling it, she threw it in Axel’s direction chopping the cigarette in his mouth in half.
Axel froze. His wide eyes slowly rotated to focus on Harley. Surprised by her talent in throwing a switchblade, he spoke. “That was…impressive.”
Harley laughed nervously. “I’m actually surprised it worked. That was once in a lifetime thing.”
“You mean to tell me you aren’t a natural at handling knives?” When she shook her head, he grew angry. “You could have killed me, you know! Next time when you want to get your point across, try it by communication. Not attempted murder.” He had to get away from the girl. She was clearly dangerous. 
She ran to walk beside the man, who was walking away. “I’m sorry. I really am. I just want you to listen to me.”
“By throwing a sharp object at me that could have potentially ended my life?”
“Please…” She pleaded.
He sighed. “Forty seconds. Go.”
Harley’s face brightened, despite the lack of time she had to talk. “I promise that I won’t turn you in. I just really need someone…like you to help me find this person. All of the stories I’ve heard about you and your talents in handling a gun are truly amazing and—”
“Twenty seconds.”
She frowned. “Please, I’m begging you. Help me.”
Axel stared down into her eyes. Seeing the determination flickering in her gaze softened his mood. He normally kept his distance from District 13. The city was filled with D.13.F—Defense 13 Federation, a powerful official group led by Sebastian Heimrich, leader of the city. In order to avoid the city and Sebastian, Axel had been living in a small hut deep within Pine Woods. His hometown Arrows Edge was off-limits. He did not want to endanger any of the townsmen by his presence. However, hiding in the woods for nearly six months had its downs.
Circling the petite girl, he removed the half cigarette from his mouth placing it inside his pocket. “You realize that I am a criminal, yet you still want to hire me as your gunman?”
She nodded. “Yes, I do.”
“How much would I be paid? Being the most wanted would require quite the expense, wouldn’t you say?”
Harley chewed her lip. Rubbing her arm nervously, she averted her gaze to the ground. “I actually don’t have the money right now…”
Axel stared expressionless. “Goodbye.” He started to walk passed her, but was held back by her powerful grip. Looking over his shoulder, he eyed her hand clasped onto his arm. “You are actually pretty strong for a small kid,” he commented.
“I told you I’m not a child!” She pouted. Letting go, she straightened her black leather skirt. “I promise to pay you with the money I will collect once I find this person. There isn’t anyone else who could help me but you.”

So what are your thoughts on this excerpt? This is from the first chapter, slightly more so in the middle coming towards the end of chapter one. I’m still working on this story, but I have an good idea of where I tend to lead this story. However, I have taken a mild break from writing the chapters to focus on the character building and world building and so on, mostly because I don’t want to rush into things like I have with my previous stories. As for <i>Raison D’etre</i>, I plan on returning to work on that once I grasp my inspiration for it once again, lol. For now, all of my focus is on this story. I’m also going to add this excerpt to my dA account as well. 

Anna Tsuchiya – Is this Love? [PV]

As you may or may not know, I’m a huge fan of Anna Tsuchiya. She’s one of my favorite singers and I really admire her talent. Not only is she a singer, she is also a model and actress as well. I was first introduce to Anna during the time I started to get into the NANA anime. Anna sings for Nana Osaki’s character in the anime, and the songs that were sung by her were something that was of interest to me when it came to my taste in music. So I decided to check her out and I’m glad I did. Most of the songs that I have heard from Anna, I am a fan of. From, “Crazy World”, “Bubble Trip”, “Kuroi Namida”, “Virgin Cat”, the list just goes on. And now she has a brand new song called “Is this  Love?”

password via Anna no Lotus blog: annanolotus

Anna as Nana for her music video “Black Rose”
Nana Osaki from the manga NANA

As you can see from the pictures, there are some similarities to Anna and Nana. I’m a fan of both of them. Here are a few of Anna’s inspired music videos for the anime NANA.

“Black Rose”


“Kuroi Namida”

She is a very talented woman and I really admire her. She’s 28 years old, and has two sons. She has been married twice. He first husband died of heart failure and since then she has remarried to her stylist, who is three years her senior. Although, she has been in controversy in the past for her behavior and rude things she has said to people and about them, she’s still a favorite of mine and I will always be a fan and supporter of her and her music and acting career. She has starred in two movies that I have always wanted to see but yet to see. 


Both movies are based on manga, which I have never read, but both movies seem very interesting to me. Hopefully, I’ll one day take the time out to watch the movies if I can find it online, or maybe I’ll purchase it via, online on Amazon. 

Anna has also collaborated with another singer/rapper from Japan that I like named, AI, who I have mentioned in my previous post. AI, is a rapper/singer in Japan but she also speak perfect English and lives in California from what I’m aware of. 

Anna Tsuchiya ft. AI “Crazy World”

This song has a very catchy beat to it, that I like. It’s a mixture of pop and R&B. It was different to see Anna do a song like this because she is considered the Queen of Rock. However, she pulled it off well, plus with the help of AI, this song is the best to me!

Even though this post is about Anna, I would also like to feature one of AI’s songs. 

AI feat. Miliyah “Stronger”

AI feat. Snoop Dogg

Before closing, I’d like to show various songs of Anna that I also like. ^^

“Master Blaster” ft. Yoko Kanna and Miyavi
(Yoko and Mayavi don’t appear in the video, but they collaborated with the song)

“Bubble Trip”


“Brave Vibration”

I would include more, but I don’t want to overload the entry with Anna videos XD Are you a fan of Anna? If not, who are your favorite singers from Japan or perhaps you have a favorite singer from another country or your very own country. Please feel free to discuss! 🙂