Monthly Archives: December 2011


Okay, I’m not keeping my word. Maybe I should change what I said and say instead that I will TRY to update everyday, lol.

So it’s the end of the week everyone and sadly, I have yet to reach my 25k goal for this week. So i’m working on it now. With only two weeks left in this month, it doesn’t give me enough time to try and complete this novel within that timeline. Unless I were to push myself to the very limit. Honestly, I’m really hoping that I can finish this before January 1st. Also my untitled story about the smoking bandit, I would at least like to get to 20k before my spring semester starts.

This is a very short entry, but it describes details of what I have planned to do before the end of this month.

Until the next entry~

The Black-Chinese woman Lou Jing

I just recently heard the story of Lou Jing yesterday, and I must say that it is a very sad story, yet upsetting to hear as well. Lou Jing is of Black and Chinese decent, her mother Chinese and father African American. She’s 20-years old, and became one of the five finalist on a TV program in China called “Go!”. A lot of comments raised about her skin color, and how she did not look like what a true Chinese person should look like. She became the target for many verbal racist attacks because of her skin color. Other bloggers went as far as referring to her as xiaoheigui which translates as “Little black devil”. It’s very upsetting to hear that such racism in is China to result in something such as that.

However, Lou was not aware of what was being said about her until her friends contacted her and supported her through all of this. She has explained that it had been her first time experiencing such hatred racism remarks like this in her life. Lou received an internship offer from Shanghai television station Dragon TV after the show. She has since became a co-host of the show News Surfing Intelligence, a local Shanghai program. In an interview with the BBC’s Matthew Bannister, she remarked that racial discrimination is present in all countries of the world, but in China it seems particularly focused towards people of an African background due to the assumption that Africa is less developed. She said that she found it interesting children of mixed Chinese-white parents do not receive nearly as much negative attention. I believe this all racist remarks started when her mother explained the background of Lou on stage during Lou’s time on Go!

She explained on national TV that her daughter was the result of an affair she had with a black man, while being married to her Chinese husband. Her husband divorced her after he saw that their newborn child looked of African descent and not Chinese. Lou has been through a lot during all of this and I really feel for her. To go through something like this, I could only imagine how she must have felt after finding out about how racist people were against her darker skin. However, during this there were some people who supported and defended her, such as China Daily columnist Raymond Zhou, among several other media commentators in China. One was quoted saying

“In the same year that Americans welcome Barack Obama to the White House, we can’t even accept this girl with a different skin color.”

Which is very sad. It would be the day when people finally realize that it’s not right to judge someone of the color of their skin, but the actions they make instead. Racism will always be around, as much as I hate to admit it.

Here is a video featuring Lou Jing on Go Oriental Girl

Another video describing her story


After doing a recount of how many words I have, it turns out that I actually have a over 19k instead of 20k. I am in fact very close to 20k. So my goal to hit the 25k mark by the end of this week just might happen.

In other news, I decided that I will give everyone a little excerpt of my other novel (I have a lot of novels that I working on, in total over six 😐 lol) titled Infectious Love. I also named one of my fan-fanfictions this title. It was a KakaHina fanfic in case anyone was wondering, lol. Anyhow, this story is a vampire story. Something that I told myself I would never in a million years make. However, my vampire story is nothing like Twilight. It is very different. And there are no werewolves included, instead I made someone else the enemy of the vampire. Nevertheless, it is a romance novel. A blasian love actually. It is taken place between China and America, between our main characters Jun and Holly. Jun is the vampire and Holly is a struggling fashion designer who is Jun’s love interest.

The excerpt comes from one of the chapters, not the first chapter, and it’s the first introduction of Jun’s character. I hope everyone enjoys it. This is also posted on my deviantART account.

Beijing—one of the most populous cities in the world, it was simply a beautiful city. From the opulent warmth of the summer, city lights, the gentle breeze caressing his fair skin.

Fashionable young men and woman sashayed the streets, the women walking in groups with their friends, young men swaggered proudly displaying their muscles to a group of women—who paid them no attention. The sound of the traffic and chatter voices of the humans flowed through his ear.

Brilliance Junjie Wagon and Chery QQ3 automobiles filled the busy streets. Not too far, the Dragon Boat Festival was taking place. There were a many pedestrians speed walking to get to the festival here and there. This is where most people are currently trying to get.

However, for Jun Chou, his eyes were set to the golden sun barely still above the horizon. Its light colored among the clouds, with some amethyst, some orange, some cerise, all vivid and flourishing. A painting breathed life into the empty embroidery of the sky. The intensity of the colors is just enough to calm anyone down. Such a romantic setting for any couple to observe together, becoming more beautiful as it dies down. Sadly for Jun Chou, he has no one to admire this admirable setting with.

For centuries, he had been known as the most eligible bachelor of the realm of immortals. The desire to stand by his side would be a great honor to any woman. However, not just any woman could be honored by this privilege. Jun had to be interested in them. It was the way she presents herself, from personality and what is inside her heart. Her sense of style and intelligence is necessary. She needed to know how to handle herself. Lastly, she must accept him for what he is.

However, being a vampire made it hard to find that special one. For years, he is expected to be with someone of his own kind. Humans were futile and were only meant to be food in the eyes of the undead. However, Jun felt differently. After all, vampires were once humans. Would it be so wrong to fall in love with a human? He had not seen the problem in doing so.


The excerpt is very short. However, I didn’t want to reveal too much, but just enough to understand just who Jun is. 🙂

Asian men I find attractive

Well there is a list of Asian men that I find attractive. All may not be listed here, and will be posted in another blog entry. They are in no particular order. 🙂

This is Adam Yamaguchi. He is a Asian American correspondent for Current TV. There is a show that comes on this channel called Vanguard, this is where I was first introduced to Adam. He was a journalist on the show. He is a very admirable person for all of the work he is done in his career. At least in my opinion he is. He has covered stories from the suicides in Japan to the Space Shuttle incident. I have not watched Vanguard in a very long time. Because of this, I am very behind on the most recent work he has did on the show. However, Adam Yamaguchi is a very talented journalist.

Hiroyuki Ikeuchi is a Japanese actor in Japan. I was first introduced to his role as General Miura on IP Man. I haven’t seen any other movies that he has been featured in. However, I plan to! In IP Man, he had a lot of physical parts. And in a interview, Hiroyuki stated that he had no prior skills in martial arts before that movie. So he had a lot of training to do. And if you have seen IP Man, you wouldn’t be able to tell Hiroyuki is actually a beginner in fighting. He was that good. I think he is a very handsome man. I once mentioned to someone that he reminded me of a Japanese Eminem. I know it sounds out there, lol. But there is a picture of Hiroyuki that looks somewhat like Eminem. Anyhow, I think he is a very talented actor.

Rain Bi…words cannot describe what I think of him. He is a very attractive guy. A great singer, dancer, dancer and now a military man! Jung Ji-Hoon is a man with many talents. I thought he did very well on the movie Ninja Assassins. To be truthfully honest, I did not like the movie when I first saw it. I thought the story line lacked in many areas. However, the acting was not bad and I enjoyed the fighting scenes. And also seeing Raizo and Mika scenes. Although it wasn’t verbally mentioned in the movie, you can tell that Raizo had feelings for Mika, which I thought was cute and eventualy lead me to buy the movie only for the ambw and Rain of course, lol. I wish him all the best in the military!

Joe Odagiri, a Japanese actor in Japan. He reminds me of a Asian Johnny Depp for some reason, lol. I think it has something to do with his hair and sense of style. I own one movie that he is in called Shinobi. It is the novel adaption of Ninja Scrolls a.k.a the anime Basilisk. He is married to the actress/model Yu Kashii, who is eleven years younger and also has one son with his wife.

Jank Hyuk, is a South Korea actor. I first seen him in his role as Kim Kyung-Soo in the movie Volacano High. The very movie MTV decided to ruin the dubbed version with random rappers and singers e.e; Anyhow, Jank has been featured a few films music videos and dramas.

I’ll most likely add in more in another post. For now these are a few of my picks. 🙂

Naruto Shippuden fillers. Yes, I watch them…however…

I haven’t made an entry in this blog for a few days. There hasn’t been much going on lately, with the exception that I have become more active on FaceBook. I’m apart of a few AMBW groups on there as well. 🙂

Not much to say today, with the exception of the anticipation of chapter 567 of Naruto and this weeks filler episode. I know what you are probably thinking. “A filler episode? Are you serious? Do you actually watch those?” No, I don’t. However, I only watch filler episodes when the episode is centered around the Team 8 characters. Team 8 is my favorite team. And this weeks episode will be about Kiba, so I’m definitely going to watch it!

I don’t watch any other filler episodes but Team 8 focused ones. Besides that, I don’t particularly watch Naruto at all, unless it’s a episode from a chapter I wanted to see in movement. I stick with the manga.


My daily post have been lacking in the past few days. Dx Please forgive me for that. I have been forgetting to update like I said I would.

Anyhow, this entry is a copy of another entry I have from a post made in my personal blog. It’s basically a progress bar of how far along I am in my novel Raiso D’etre.

36614 / 50000

Above you see my progress bar of how much I have written so far for my novel. This bar will be updated over the course of time, until I reach my goal 50,000 word count. I’m currently working on chapter five. My goal for each chapter is to at least past 2500 words. However, for chapters two and three, I did not meet my word count goal. Most likely I will once I go back and edited it once again. Because this is in fact my second draft. The first draft had over 91,000 words. It took me over five months to complete it.

There are other novels that I would like to work on, but I noticed that when working I like to focus on one story at a time. So the others will be worked on after I finish working on what I have now.


Sorry for the delay of entries for the past few days. I have been pretty busy, and failed to update this blog.

Currently, I’m struggling to complete chapter seven of Raison D’etre. It’s proving harder for me than I originally thought. I blame the plot bunny that has been hopping non-stop in my mind for the past few days. As I mentioned in my second entry, there has been an idea that just won’t go away. There is no title for this idea. However, months ago I did draw a picture of a character. During the time, I had no story for the character. He was just someone I decided to draw at the time. But months later I started thinking about a story for him. And now I’ve been working on notes and the first chapter of this untitled story.

This guy right here is Axel Edge, the character that I drew (c) by me. On my deviantART account, I titled the picture Smoking Bandit. And that title developed into a idea. There isn’t much that I can reveal about the story, because I haven’t typed out very many details of it yet in my notes. However, I will give you a general idea of the story without giving too much away. The story is taken place in the future, sort of like a cyberpunk themed story, science fiction/with mild romance. Well maybe not mild, it will probably be more than mild. Nevertheless, let’s get back on track, shall we? So anyways, Axel Edge is one of the most wanted criminals in District 13 (a city in my future cyber world), the bounty on his head (wanted dead or alive) is close to a billion dollars. A billion dollars is a lot for a criminal, isn’t? Well you can only imagine what he did for the price on his head to be so large. Eventually he meets a young girl, and decides to help her find the murderer of her family, all the while, trying to keep from being caught by the officials. So this is the general idea of the story. It wouldn’t be a series of books. Most likely just one. But I have so many thoughts in my mind and I really want to work on it. I’m thinking about working on this and Raison D’etre at the same time. However, lately my thought process for Raison isn’t going so well, seeing how I have been stuck on writing chapter seven for four days so far. I do have chapter summaries written out for it, because I like to follow a summary to know what I will be writing. Anyhow, I hope everyone likes Axel. He will be a very interesting character to write about, especially his female companion who he will be assisting. And of course there will be romance blooming between the two, 😉 I already have main characters and other characters names down-packed. But I do need to work on world-building. I can easily create a world, it’s just describing the world that always puts me in a serious thinking process.

On a side note (and completely unrelated note), right now I’m watching Dexter’s Laboratory. I really like that show, lol.

AMBW Sites

Here are some ambw groups/sites that I’m apart of and others that I find that I thought I’d share with other ambw supporters.

Black Women Asian Men This is a tumblr account
Black and Yellow AMBW This is a wordpress account
Black Women Asian Men Unite This appears to be a forum
Blasian Magazine A facebook group
Asian Men that ♥ Black Women A facebook group
Black Women and Asian Men Unite A facebook group
Asian Men and Black Women A facebook group
Asian Men & Black Women A facebook group

There are more websites out there. However, I have to find them and when I do I’ll update this entry with more links. 🙂

Also for anyone who would like to add me on facebook, feel free to click this and it will send you to my page. I rarely use it, which explains my low count in friends and lack of writing on my wall ^^;

x-2 (1)

I decided to share with everyone pictures of the characters from Raison D’etre, the novel I’m currently working on. I must warn you that Molly’s character has undergone a change from the first draft. Her name was once Momoko Takahashi. Now it’s Molly Mackenzie. She also dons a new look. These characters are coyrighted by me. Please do not steal them.

This is a picture of the three main characters. This is Molly’s original look, when she was known as Momoko. In the middle is Roman and the other male is Molly’s love interest Haine. These three are also in a love triangle. Also, I must state that Haine and Roman do not get along. Well, it’s more of a one-sided rivalry seeing how Haine tends to ignore Roman’s rants/glares/and threats just to anger him more. (Haine finds Roman to be amusing, much to Roman’s chagrin, lol) However, due to Roman’s enthusiastic personality, they can get along…sometimes.This picture was drawn for me by Redsama, on DeviantART.

This is Haine in his Nero State. Haine is a grim reaper, who stays in the human world. This side of him is very difficult for him to control. He is not only sadistic and extremely violent while in his Nero State, he cannot tell the difference between friend and foe, which can be problematic for those on his side. The only person who knows how to control him in his state, well to the best of their abilities, is Molly and Aero. However, Aero has more control, because he is the closest to Haine. I may change the concept of that and make it only Molly, but I’m still undecided. ^^; This picture was drawn for me by Redsama, on DeviantART.

This is Aero. The crafty, uncaring, sadistic, human-hating grim reaper and also Haine’s brother-like figure. His character isn’t the friendliest, even towards Haine (however, he tends to treat him better than most). He also shows an intense hatred towards women. No. He doesn’t have an affinity for men. He just finds women to be annoying and hard to understand. In all honesty, Aero is my favorite character in this series. He is fun to write. Also, he is the only character who isn’t bothered by Molly’s panda hat. This picture was drawn for me by JoJo218, on DeviantART.

For fun, this is Haine, Molly and Roman in a chibi form. Both Haine and Roman share a common love interest for Molly. I’ll go in more depth about this love triangle in a future entry. 🙂 Also, this is Molly’s new look. And in case you can’t tell she is black. Roman is Caucasian and Haine is a grim reaper with the look of someone with an Asian background. This picture was drawn for me by Uyuni, from DeviantART.

Another picture drawn by Uyuni. This is Haine and Roman. I like the relation they have with one another. Although they are rivals for Molly, these two will eventually become friends. Roman likes to annoy Haine a lot, which is why I chose this type of pose for them in this picture of Roman forcing Haine to smile, lol. Haine doesn’t smile too often, unlike Roman who is always smiling, and when Haine does smile it’s mostly because of Molly or Aero.

Molly and Roman are best friends, so I had to have a picture of them together. This is also from Molly’s original look. As you see above in her chibi form, she now has a different look. Roman and Molly’s friendship is a very close bond. He is very protective of her and it’s shown that he obviously cares about her. Molly tends to scold him a lot from flirting. Roman is a very flirtatious character in the series, even flirts with Molly (which never ends well on his part). I really like the bond they share. It’s something that is so close that it’s hard to be broken. This picture was drawn for me by Mkxkawaiix3, on DeviantART.

I have other commissioned pictures of other characters from different books, but I will be posting those separately.


I’ve been distracted by another idea that popped into my head yesterday. I’ll give more info on that idea in another entry, since I’m still planning it out. Currently I have close to 20k for my second draft. I’m hoping that I would at least be able to type two chapters today.

Here is a little side story, basically a one-shot of two of the main characters in my story.

Title: Tooth Ache
Pairing: Haine and Molly
Summary: Sweets will rot your teeth.
Author Note: This is just a one-shot of two characters from my novel that I’ve been working on for a few months now. Molly is the main character, as is Haine.
Disclaimer: I copyright Haine Black and Molly Mackenzie. Please do not redistribute, copy, or alter any materials you read. ©

The cool gentle breeze caressed her skin. Standing outside near the park entrance, Molly stood leaning against the Styrewood Flag pole. Her arms folded across her chest, with a scowl embedded on her features. “What’s taking him so long?” Looking down at her panda shaped watch, the scowl deepened.

“Sorry I’m late.” A voice from behind said.

The female turned around. There he stood, wearing a black hoodie, white shirt underneath and black jeans. His presence alone held authority and power. From the moment she met Haine, he always stood out. Girls were swayed by him. Guys envied him and wanted to be like him. Haine never seemed to pay any attention to all the admiration he receives from others. In fact, he acts rather oblivious to it all. “What happened? I’ve been waiting almost two hours for you to show up. Any longer and I would have left.” She reprimanded. It was not like her to become annoyed, but waiting for hours for him to show up, irked her nerves quite a bit. Her dark brown eyes narrowed, letting out a frustrated sigh.

“I got held up by someone…” Haine muttered. Thrusting his hands deep inside pockets, his shoulders raised as he maneuvered past Molly. “Why did you ask me out here anyways?”

She followed behind him, her hands also inside her jacket pockets. “No reason.” She muttered. A blush dusted her cheeks.

He looked over his shoulder. “You get angry with me because I’m late, but asked me here for no reason?” Haine stopped, turning to face her. “I could just leave. After all, I’m here for no reason.” If it were not for the dark sunglasses, Molly would be able to see the amusement lurking beneath his venetian red eyes.

Her shoulders shook from embarrassment and anger. She averted her eyes to the side. “You’re more than welcomed to leave.”

“I’ll stick around a bit longer.” Haine says. Pulling out a bag of jellybeans, one by one he tossed the small beaned shaped candies into his mouth savoring the flavor. From his peripheral view, Haine could see Molly eyeing him, her brows twitching uncontrollably. He doesn’t have to be a mind reader to know what’s going through her mind at this very moment. “Have you ever eaten candy before?” He cocked his head to the side.

She nodded. “Of course I have! And I’ll never try it again. It—”

“—rots your teeth, yeah I know. You’ve told me this millions of times before. To be quite frank I’m tired of hearing it so much. If my teeth fall out, so be it.” He shrugged. It is rather enjoyable to tease her. To see her growl and pout in irritation is quite pleasing. Molly has always been rather easy to annoy.

Lifting his head to the heavens above a rare smile graced his chiseled features. “A year ago from today is the day I first met you.” Haine spoke gentle.

The frown that consumed her expression slowly faded. Her eyes trailed to the ground. She hadn’t realized it’s been a year. Before she met him, Molly life was the furthest thing from excitement. Every day was a bore. But then he appeared and changed everything. If it weren’t for him things would still be the same.

“I would have thought by now you would have gotten rid of that annoying hat.” Haine said airily.

Molly grasped onto her panda Eskimo hat. “I’ll never get rid of this. It’s my good luck charm. You’re just jealous that you don’t have a good luck charm.” She stuck her tongue out at the taller male. Haine seemed unaffected by her words, rubbing his jaw. Momoko took noticed, and spoke. “What’s with you?”

“My tooth hurts.” He groaned.

“I’m not surprised. You eat so much candy. It’s only normal for you to get a tooth ache.” She sighed, eyeing him carefully.

“A toothache?” He questioned.

Momoko nodded. “It’s the pain you’re feeling right now. Your teeth will betray you one day and rot.” She chuckled, holding onto her stomach. “It’s rather funny actually.”

Haine frowned, glaring at his bag of jelly beans. So this is what candy does to a person. He has to make a mental note not to eat so much candy from now on, because he actually does care a great deal about his teeth. And losing them isn’t on his to-do list.

Well that’s a small short story of the two main characters. For a little background on the plot of this one-shot, Molly doesn’t like sweets and always complains to Haine (who happens to love sweets) that if he eats too much he’ll rot his teeth out. And Haine–who is a grim reaper, never experienced things like having a tooth ache, or understanding why candy can rot your teeth out. He is very oblivious, in a almost childlike manner about things in the human world. But he is slowly learning.

On a side note, I’ve been reading the book called “Acheron“, by Sherrilyn Kenyon. It’s really good, but it’s very long. I’m not even close towards the ending. I’m currently on page 248. In total, there is 728 pages in this book! It’s a lot, isn’t it? Yes, I know. This is my first time reading such a large but, but it’s really good. A lot of talk about rape and sex scenes, definitely not for a younger audience. However, I love the book so far!

The summary of Acheron is, “Eleven thousand year ago a god was born. Cursed into the body of a human, Acheron spend a lifetime in shame. However, his human death unleashed an unspeakable horror that almost destroyed earth. Then, brought back against his will, Acheron became the sole defender of mankind. Only it was never that simple. For centuries, he had fought for survival and has hidden a past he never wanted revealed. Until a lone woman who refuses to be intimidated by him threatens his very existence. Now Acheron’s survival, and ours, depends on her, and old enemies reawaken and unite to kill them both. War has never been more deadly…or more fun

This isn’t the first book of the Dark Hunter series. In fact, I’m not sure which book it is…I have to check again. Anyhow, it’s my first time buying a book from the series, so I’m curious to read the previous ones one day.